I use encryption even for everyday, routine communications because fuck the NSA.

Sometimes, when I like something on a certain website and see that someone else on my facebook friend's list likes it as well, I think that they're stalking me.

Scared to flush the tolite at friends houses in fear that i will wake someone up of break the tolite.

When I am in a car i always think there is massive swords coming out the edge of the car and make everything the same length up

Sit on the loo and think about life because I can't be bothered to get up

At the peak of orgasm, i used to think that im making out with someone else (like my crush) to make me cum.

I eat spoons of dry hot chocolate powder when nobody is around.

get caught up in youtube comment arguments

Okay, so. I have this weird habit I've had for like a year now, and it's that I always have to touch things an even amount of times and touch them with the other had the same amount of times. I read it's OCD, which I sometimes experience symptoms of, but this one sticks out. Is this normal? What should I do? Should I ask if I do have OCD?

Sometimes, after I say "bye" to a person on facebook, I wait a few seconds before I log off so that it seems like I said "bye" to other people too. Because I'm just that popular.

I like to swallow great ammounts of water just to make the loud "clunk" sound in my throat.

Looking outside the window and imagining a huge explosion destroy everything and then u surviving and trying to find a way to survive

When I'm waiting for someone who is late. I go-over in my head how I'm going to greet them. For example "Well, it's about damn time", or "Finally!".

Seriously I am tired but, I read the fucking solvemedia stating "forget this", then I stood there for a moment having just forgot what I was supposed to type. "Was I not supposed to forget what I just read?" Nero: BRAINWASHING! FORGET THIS AND LET ME SPEAK TO YOUR MOTHER! IM LEUTANANT BANGUS YOUR MUTHERUS YOU IDIOT!

Pronounce hors d'oeuvres 'horse-dev-ers' thinking I'm so witty.

After going to the bathroom, flush the toilet than hurry out of the bathroom and walk fast past a certain line going across the floor or make an imaginary line on the floor before the toilet fully flushes.

I tuck all sides of the blanket under my body and feet then over my head and leave a fresh air hole so im in a cocoon of blanket.

Can't seem to manage not throwing rocks into sea/river

chewing icecream before you swallow it

Shake my hands frantically back and forth when watching the microwave count down or the printer print, as if it will make them go faster.

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

refuse to like a post because the number is too perfect and you don't want to screw it up

Wearing cheap CZ rings to either stop guys hitting on me or pretend I'm engaged.

I look for comments in this site that are on or close to 0 so that when i like or dislike them, i make a difference to the outcome :)

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.