When you drop something and then drop it again as soon as you start picking it up

When it's 12:59 or 4:59 or something:59, I don't let myself blink/breathe until it's 1:00 or 5:00 or something:00. Anyone?

See someone walking or in their car driving then imaging what they're doing next or imagine the rest of their life.

Not answer a question or something of the sort Evan if you know you know the answer because you are paranoid that you are wrong.

fist myself to the point of unconsciousness whilst masturbating to the speeches of Hitler

I sometimes try to summon things with the force of my thoughts...I would be so useful...but no way, nothing ever moves.

When alone in a public restroom, after using the toilet I kick the lever and run away out of fear that it will splash on me.

I eat spoons of dry hot chocolate powder when nobody is around.

Check behind the shower curtain for a killer.

Accidentally make a weird noise and quickly turn around frantically to see if anyone else hear it.

Scared to flush the tolite at friends houses in fear that i will wake someone up of break the tolite.

Turn the fan and/or sink on in the bathroom to drown out the noise from masturbating.

Try to talk to my pet telepathically. - sky

I feel like I'm superman every time I run by the counter in the kitchen and the papers on it go flying off.

dont wash hands for the recommended 30 seconds

At school I go along with the norm even though inside I HATE it!!!!

I feel like my blanket is an indestructible shield against any monsters that might try to get me at night. If any part of you is out of the covers, you're screwed. lol -ML

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

I use encryption even for everyday, routine communications because fuck the NSA.

When your friend tells you something, but you don't hear them so you just start laughing.

I suck my shirt without realizing im doing it until people tell me.

When you get in trouble, think of what you could have said or done so you could've gotten away with it.

When you are looking over someones shoulder and they look at you thinking you are staring at them so you suddenly turn your head

only feel the need to click one of the related sites that draws you after youve clicked 'next page'

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.