fist myself to the point of unconsciousness whilst masturbating to the speeches of Hitler

I never let anything go over the toilet when It's open.

I sit in a chair upside down and pretend like i'm walking on the ceiling.

sometime i poop in my hand, then put it in the toilet so it makes less noise and the water doesn't splash up my butt.

Not being able to balance in heels because the insides are smothered in foot sweat. -_-

Hearing someone singing a song and stopping midway, so you need to finish it.

whenever you walk into the bathroom with your phone/laptop/electronic device you stay sitting on the toilet even though you are done because you are so engaged with whatever you are doing

Getting the strong urge to "woo" or scream in a large and quiet crowd, such as during church.


Whenever I cross the road with someone I try to walk faster then them just in case a car comes it won't drive me over.

Thinking about different guys and how they would be in bed, then thinking im a slut for thinking it...

Sometimes when I'm in the shower, I start kicking the bar of soap.

Check my underwear for any sh!t from farts (yes, sometimes my shit comes with a fart) captcha: royal flush

always hurt urself and blame the object for hurting u

when dialing a number, i hear the number itself when it is dialed

When I am walking at night, I see a slight shadow behind me for a second, I walk faster, I see the shadow again, I think it is some kind of scary monster and then I decide to run for my life. When I get back home, I realize the shadow is my shadow.

Smile like a damn dork when I watch romantic movies.

Giving my dog a massage.

Take everything out of the fridge, and climb in it, and pretend your in a time capsule.

Sometimes when I'm sitting next to a random person having a conversation with them (in the car for instance) I imagine myself reaching out and holding their hand. I then get super embarrassed just for having the thought.

Look at restaurant signs and realize the font isnt as fancy as you once thought

When out I like to "people watch."

I sometimes try to summon things with the force of my thoughts...I would be so useful...but no way, nothing ever moves.

pretend celebrities are watching you then getting really freaked out.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.