always check thde back seat before starting the car

Rinse off salted nuts before eating them

when I'm walking i always try to step over the cracks with the same foot every time

If I drop a piece of candy on the floor, I have to drop another piece so it won,t be lonely

I talk to myself while playing games so I don't feel lonley!

when you're microwaving something and you have to pee, you run to the bathroom. then you run back to see if there is still time left before the "bomb" goes off.

pick leaves of bushes while im walking and rip them up into small pieces

Try to balance on and off on the light switch.

After going to the bathroom, flush the toilet than hurry out of the bathroom and walk fast past a certain line going across the floor or make an imaginary line on the floor before the toilet fully flushes.

Smell your hands to see if there dirty.

Dance in the car just so the person you like will see you and be like "Aw, cute" but then they don't even see you so you stop...

When I have nothing do do in Life Science I read the textbook.

When winking, I feel as if I have to wink with the other eye to be fair to both eyes.

repeat what you just said 2 seconds ago in a group conversation thinking no one heard you

Thinking you smell really bad and then putting to much deodorant/perfume/ect and you still think you smell bad. Is this just me?

I cannot f***ing believe how many of these i do... and now i feel out of place

When watching television, I give people I don't like the finger

wake up in the middle of the night and write your dream if you like it. Or just write all night and dont sleep all night for days at a time.

Every time I see people's bare feet I'm automatically counting their toes to make sure if they have an extra toe or two.

Take everything out of the fridge, and climb in it, and pretend your in a time capsule.

When you accidentally like get something on your hand so you go to wash it off but feel compelled to wash your other hand too even if it's not dirty

Go into a card shop, laugh hysterically at the funny ones, then leave. Then whilst walking down the street, you think of them again and burst out laughing. This is highly embarrassing when you're alone!

Secretly think that Flo from the Progressive commercials is bangable.

k. everyone

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.