I sit in my sink and pretend that I am water.

Not get any thumb ups on a post. Turns out there really are some things only I do...

stare at a word and try to sound it out backwards to see if it spells something backwards.

Cover up the webcam on my laptop because I think someone might be watching me through it.

I only make the tv volume in multiples of 5.

When you know your alone, you still have to check the whole house.

I don't care about gender stereotypes. Moral: If I want to like Pink unicorns I will like them!

I talk to myself while playing games so I don't feel lonley!

When it's 12:59 or 4:59 or something:59, I don't let myself blink/breathe until it's 1:00 or 5:00 or something:00. Anyone?

I like to burn candles in my room and some times I burn the hair on my arm and smell it afterwards

I wake up suddenly in the middle of the night with a feeling that I'm falling

Feeling guilty for something you haven't done.

Check this site often to see if anyone liked my comment or not...

I can't drink while I'm walking I have to stop.

Smell your hands to see if there dirty.

when i use omegle u usually say im a girl, when a guy says how long is his thing, i say 'mine too' :D

look at old toys from when you were a kid and remember how they taste.

When i'm home alone with the dog i have a conversation with the dog, sometimes in my head & sometimes out loud, in the voice that i think the dog would have if it could speak. Then sometimes i realise that i haven't checked if anybody else is home !

make those little rectangles with your mouse on the computer get so close that they are together and you cant see them and try to move to the left or right, keeping the lines together so you cant see them.

Sometimes, when I'm alone and it's dark outside, I like to cover my body in petroleum jelly and pretend to be a slug.

I split my gum in half so I can chew on both sides.

i have my own way of eating every chocolate bar i eat, layer by layer

I have a feeling that life is a Video Game for another Universe. When the player looks at their computer screen, they see what I see. They control everything I do. Like The Sims games. Everyone else is either other players in a multiplayer server, or they are are all fake, computer players.

Trying on other people's clothes at the gym/laundromat when they ain't looking!! (^_^)

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.