.don't like something because being scared that it appears on my wall.

When im going from one room to the next, i try and get into the other room before the door to the last room closes. If i do, I've won.

I like to food shop between midnight and 5 am

I have an imaginary therapist. I talk to him in my head and he actually gives me really good answers.

spank it during my commute if I am in traffic

Sometimes, when I'm alone and it's dark outside, I like to cover my body in petroleum jelly and pretend to be a slug.

when on long car rides look out the window imagineing stick figures running

refuse to like a post because the number is too perfect and you don't want to screw it up

When I'm waiting for someone who is late. I go-over in my head how I'm going to greet them. For example "Well, it's about damn time", or "Finally!".

Looking outside the window and imagining a huge explosion destroy everything and then u surviving and trying to find a way to survive

Eat ice by itself

pretend celebrities are watching you then getting really freaked out.

wonder if anyone is on at 12 A.M. log on to a social network and realize that theres a lot of people on

Checking out peoples cars to try and figure out what kind of driver they are.

I like to burn candles in my room and some times I burn the hair on my arm and smell it afterwards

If some makes you mad you do things alot better than you would if you were not mad

I sit in my sink and pretend that I am water.

Never write LOL on a text message, because you don't want to sound too extreme

When I'm sleeping, I turn and my bed shakes, and I wake up thinking it's an earthquake.

Rereading a text message 25 times before you send it to make sure it makes sense.

After watching a video of someone doing something tiring, I always feel tired in whichever body part they were using in the video

when you are pooping you fart and it scares you a little bit.

I like to eat the crust on pizzas

Meet a really cool girl imagine the rest of my life with her.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.