Time a song on my MP3 player to be the soundtrack to something I'm about to do, especially in public places.

I say random stuff when I wake up. Just to make sure my voice is still working.

try to find this website, but type in "thingsonlyyouthinkyoudo" or "thingsyouonlythinkyoudo" .. give up.. then google it instead.

I tend to stand in front of mirrors and stare at myself to the point of my face changing to a more evil look than normal and freaking myself out, and forcing myself to either look away, or down.

wish you looked like either Kellan Lutz or Bradley Cooper! I wish magic existed now.

Miss the bus, keep running pretending I was going somewhere else.

pretend your on the phone talking to someone to make you look like you not a loner

Sometimes cringe at the sound when other people scratch themselves

Counting the lines on the street as they pass the edge of your cars window.

See a news article that looks interesting, too lazy to read the whole thing. Skim.

When I notice that I have just breathed in/out, for the next minute or so I feel like I have to make a conscious effort to keep breathing.

text somebody something and if they don't reply quickly, resend that same text.

get really embarrassed when i leave the book i read when i poop on the bathroom counter and someone uses the bathroom.

Having the tv on always, just for background noise. Doesn't work with a computer/laptop, must be the tv.

push a fart out really slow so you think nobody will hear it

I constantly get itches. On awkward parts of my body. In public places. And it's torture.

Try to make a sound described in a book or text (like a gasp or a gargle)

Awkward moment... Pretend to send a text.

When I use the bathroom at school, I keep the door open with the kickstand and use the stall. It's because I fear that one day, when I'm all alone in the bathroom with the door closed, the fire alarm will go off and scare the living crap out of me. This trick backfires when someone comes in without closing the door and uses the urinal.

Act as if you don't notice her, but you really are dying to take another look at her.

Thinking of a song to get an annoying one out of your head, then realizing that one's even worse.

When in a public bathroom and others are in there, pretend to fix your clothes/hair until everyone has left before you use it.

Before going to the bathroom, check behind the shower curtains for serial killers.

Never write LOL on a text message, because you don't want to sound too extreme

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.