When I was a little kid and something scared me (i.e. feel like being watched when I walked through the forest in the dark) I began to sing... and then I felt somehow protected. Weird, isn`t it?

Getting the strong urge to "woo" or scream in a large and quiet crowd, such as during church.

See someone walking or in their car driving then imaging what they're doing next or imagine the rest of their life.


Back away as much as I can from airplane toilets before flushing them because the noise scares me

I meow when my cat meows.

When your friend tells you something, but you don't hear them so you just start laughing.

Thinking of a song to get an annoying one out of your head, then realizing that one's even worse.

Check my underwear for any sh!t from farts (yes, sometimes my shit comes with a fart) captcha: royal flush

When im in a room alone on the computer i like to put on songs and lip sync to them in the mirror with really emotional expressions..

always hurt urself and blame the object for hurting u

Check an insane amount of times to see if the door is locked, then finally get back to jerking off.

when on long car rides look out the window imagineing stick figures running

Sometimes I put on my running shoes to make myself feel like I worked out but I really didn't.

i pretend to have the ability of telekinesis and move things around my house , garden, playground...

Create scenarios when you are standing around/ waiting for someone in public (ie. pretending you are sending a text to someone), in fear of what people may think if they see you standing around doing nothing.

Having the tv on always, just for background noise. Doesn't work with a computer/laptop, must be the tv.

push a fart out really slow so you think nobody will hear it

I put my finger in jars of jam/yoghurt/honey etc then lick the finger and repeat and hope nobody see's me.

I always walk down the hall James Bond style. Gun out, along the wall, looking around corners before I walk into or by a room.

Try to make a sound described in a book or text (like a gasp or a gargle)

Try to fly by jumping and then discover you can't

When I use the bathroom at school, I keep the door open with the kickstand and use the stall. It's because I fear that one day, when I'm all alone in the bathroom with the door closed, the fire alarm will go off and scare the living crap out of me. This trick backfires when someone comes in without closing the door and uses the urinal.

When on a long car ride, i tend to look out the window and imagine that i am running on the side of the car and doing flips and other types of parkour to keep up with my car...

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.