Go into a card shop, laugh hysterically at the funny ones, then leave. Then whilst walking down the street, you think of them again and burst out laughing. This is highly embarrassing when you're alone!

Shudder when someone bites down on icey poll or an ice cube

Cover the built in webcam on my laptop when I'm using it with a folded piece of paper just in case

k. everyone

sometimes when i wipe my nose a booger will get on my hand then ill get to lazy to get it off and wipe it under my chair.

Think about my life as a book when I'm in public, for example "I then walked over to my friend to say hello to him."

i cannot watch horror films that have blood in it for fear of nightmares

when playing games like grand theft auto I drive normally like all the other people in the game when i'm bored

if im somewhere and say i get a itchy ass,i would say to a friend whilst sctatching " i have the itchyist but whole in the world right now" jokingly. but then think to myself, i wonder if there is someone in the world right now at the same time as me who has actually got a itchyer butt lol

Develop a really weird sleeping pattern in the summer, for example going to bed a 5 A.M. and waking in the early afternoon.

say "ow" when your character in a video game gets hurt

While walking past someone thats wearing sunglasses you stare at them and wonder if there staring a t you aswell

I am Moral Man your friendly r*pist neighboorhood, what only I can do? I can steal, cheat, kill r*pe boys and girls, cats, not mouse heck I am no pervert either see? All this and I can still be... ...A SMOOTH CRIMINAL! AH! YAHOOW!

When playing Sims, i spend more time building my house, than playing the game itself.

Thinking about different guys and how they would be in bed, then thinking im a slut for thinking it...

Eat a biscuit realise how nice it is and eat the whole packet

I think SpongeBob and Patrick are rude, inconsiderate a_holes. ... That's right, I'm an adult and I watch SpongeBob. lol

never wanting to poop in other houses. You have to use your toilet

wipe your armpit and then sniff it to see how bad you smell

When i'm home alone with the dog i have a conversation with the dog, sometimes in my head & sometimes out loud, in the voice that i think the dog would have if it could speak. Then sometimes i realise that i haven't checked if anybody else is home !

I often force my mind to think that i'm slowing down time at will just to feel awesome (like when walking down the street i try to make the all cars slow down).

When you are taking a test or anywhere , you remember something funny and you laugh randomly looking like a dumbass then pretend to cough.

when dialing a number, i hear the number itself when it is dialed

I pee in the shower. :3

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.