call someone by a siblings name.

Whilst passing a mega dump or room clearer as my brother calls them I come up with songs...sometimes in spanish

Miss the bus, keep running pretending I was going somewhere else.

When something says "I have read and agree to the terms of service" I quickly skim through it nd act like I read it.

pretend your on the phone talking to someone to make you look like you not a loner

wonder who wrote these things

think that your whole life is just a dream and that you're going to wake up someday

Try to talk to my pet telepathically. - sky

When I post something on this site, I always do the thumb up at my own post.

pull out a flies wings and let it go

type "haha" because lol is too gay...but slip sometimes and type lol anyway lol....

See a news article that looks interesting, too lazy to read the whole thing. Skim.

When I notice that I have just breathed in/out, for the next minute or so I feel like I have to make a conscious effort to keep breathing.

Mix up "I'm starving," "I'm freezing," and "I have to pee," in my head, and then say them out loud the wrong way, in times of extreme starving/freezing/needing-to-pee desperation.

Waste time looking all over for something and notice it is right where it should be.

text somebody something and if they don't reply quickly, resend that same text.

try to count down when the school be is going to ring.

If I drop a piece of candy on the floor, I have to drop another piece so it won,t be lonely

I want to suck on your penis

Force a piss out really hard because you're in a rush.

Getting bored when a page is loading and scrolling the wheel on your mouse back and forth one click.

Look at the least popular comments just out of interest

Whenever I am in a dark room at night, and there is a window with blinds with a light shining through, I stand in front of it and pretend I am wearing a striped prison jumpsuit.

i always fall in my imaginations. whenever i think of something, e.g me walking to my room, i'd fall on my way there. what's wrong with me.....

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.