When in a public bathroom and others are in there, pretend to fix your clothes/hair until everyone has left before you use it.

Never write LOL on a text message, because you don't want to sound too extreme

Before going to the bathroom, check behind the shower curtains for serial killers.

I drive in the car then suddenly awake from a day dream and realize ive driven for the last 4 miles with no recollection of the journey.

When I was younger I used to challenge myself with touching the roof I would first jump and see if I could touch it then I would try and see how long I can touch it and now every once in a while I just touch it and think of how far I have come.

When climbing onto an escalator, I cannot just step on it and go, I have to mentally prepare myself and time my steps to get on, especially if it's going down, cause I'm terrified I will fall off... I usually end up irritating the people behind me trying to get on, as it takes me almost 10 to 15 seconds to find the right step.. And also, I cannot touch the escalator's sides.

When im in a room alone on the computer i like to put on songs and lip sync to them in the mirror with really emotional expressions..

When I'm alone I occasionally like to give a little hump to the air. Not for sexual reasons or anything, just because it feels right.

I sometimes deliberately missed buses and trains even if I could easily board them.

i would air drum even if theres no music playing

Whenever I Iook into the mirror, I think there's a second evil dimension.

Living in the shadow of an atheletic friend, and secretly wanting to beat them up just to prove that you're as good as they are.

I cannot f***ing believe how many of these i do... and now i feel out of place

after a shower, try to shake the water off.

Smell a fart and don't react until someone else does.

I think about doing evil things to people then i tell the person about it nikki

only feel the need to click one of the related sites that draws you after youve clicked 'next page'

When reading something on the internet highlighting the words, they don't even have to be what you'r reading just highlighting large sections of the article at random.

Feel all cool and look suspiciously at everybody else while leaving the theater after a good dramatic movie.

In case you have the ears pierced, take out the piece, and smell it, even if it smells so bad, you like the how it smells... lol

stare at the same gender for a long time and think 2 urself "am i gay?" and when they look at you, you tun ur eyes another way!

While waiting for my food ot cook, I'll wash the dirty dishes that I used so that I don't need to wash lots of dishes after I eat.

After a meal if I need to use a toothpick I would eat the piece of food I "picked".

when you are pooping you fart and it scares you a little bit.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.