At times I get the annoying habbit of counting the notes on a song on my fingers, again and again until it ends with five, if not, I keep doing it until it does so as to not leave a finger left out of the melody.

go though and like the posts with only one like so the person who wrote it doesn't feel alone.

When I am doing something that involves using one hand I feel weird because I don't know what to do with my other hand

I am such a coward. When I'm going to have an argument or complain to someone, I think of the beat ever retort, but when it comes down to it I say "why are you so mean" or " why don't you just leave me alone for once" or something like that. ( Yes I get picked on, cos I'm the smartest in our class)

Finally understand the meaning of a song i used to like as a child....... Im a Barbie girl in a Barbie world-Noel

check shower for murder then pee

Drink a huge amount of water only for the pleasure of having your stomach filled with it.

Hearing someone say something but saying "what" because you need more time to think of an answer

place all your achievements in your room to impress your friends

I sit sideways on the toilet because my bony butt fits better that way.

I refuse to forward chain letters

Stare off into space in the middle of a conversation

Run up all stairs two at a time, and memorize all the staircases with odd number of steps. On those, I start with one step so I can end on a two.

When I remember something embarrassing I did or even something someone else did, I will yell random words. It started just with gasping but now I have like 5 words that I'll say randomly. It's evolved to include stressful or disturbing thoughts and not just embarrassing things. I have a pretty stressful life so I'm basically continuously making random sounds then looking around terrified that someone's heard.

Hearing a noise and turning around to see if theres a monster in the room, and when you see nothing you think "hmm, he hides everytime I turn my head around." and then for the next minute you try to suddenly look back to see if you can catch it off guard.

When i'm home, I pretend i'm famous!

Point your finger to the sky When your favorite comes on in the club or on the radio

You like to think about how your favorite characters would react if you told them that they were fictional.

Get excited when your friends think your favorite song is cool.

twirl your penis in a cirlce and make the woo woo sound

Thinking you smell really bad and then putting to much deodorant/perfume/ect and you still think you smell bad. Is this just me?

I think about doing evil things to people then i tell the person about it nikki

Pick my scabs off and then lick the blood off.

Randomly agree for the Terms of Service for just about everything on the internet. Then becoming very frightened at the thought that you have violated them in some way.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.