sneeze without closing my eyes

When i'm home, I pretend i'm famous!

You like to think about how your favorite characters would react if you told them that they were fictional.

Time a song on my MP3 player to be the soundtrack to something I'm about to do, especially in public places.

Cuss my ass off in the morning - jd

Point your finger to the sky When your favorite comes on in the club or on the radio

Waking up @ 4 AM wondering where your pillow went

I'm starting to ignore Hollywood, the news and experts opinions more and more.

Erasing the history cache on the computer after visiting an x rated website.

Am i the only one who noticed that the title of this page has a grammatical error?

At the store then mom leaves to get something then u start panicking as the cashier begins paying and you thing she will charge yo already

Read weird posts like this one on the HorseHead Network.

When you drop something and then drop it again as soon as you start picking it up

I like to food shop between midnight and 5 am

Mix up "I'm starving," "I'm freezing," and "I have to pee," in my head, and then say them out loud the wrong way, in times of extreme starving/freezing/needing-to-pee desperation.

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

laziness .... its all in the mind

When I fap at friends house, I use mobile data instead of his wifi incase history can be seen

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Hatch an escape plan as soon as my date starts to complain about anything.

I want to suck on your penis

Rubbing your scalp and watching your dandruff fall like snowflakes

Force a piss out really hard because you're in a rush.

I can't help but wonder why people write things on web sites and don't bother checking their spelling. Now they look like an idiot no matter how funny or interesting it might have been.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.