Stop singing about weed when you see a cop car.

On Youtube. Moving the mouse cursor over the video thumbnails thinking it will display different snap shots from the video. And realizing what a guy I am...

When at a red you watch the light real close and as soon as it turns green you try to beat the other cars to the other side of intersection

sit in the shower

Think of the most awkward or dreadful thing you could possibly do in any given situation and be almost compelled to do it but then realising that you could never show your face anywhere ever again if you did.

Sometimes I think ''Someone somewhere in the world just got slapped'' or ''Someone just took a nasty shit''.

Feel all cool and look suspiciously at everybody else while leaving the theater after a good dramatic movie.

Do sex sensations feel exactly the same for the opposite sex.

While talking on the phone you can't think of anything to say then it gets awkwardly quiet

"Turn the tv volume with my feet" "Take a wood stick and think it's a sword"

Use é instead of e to spell Pokémon

feel like im being watched turn my head sideways and see someone suddenly look away.

misread dig bick

I'm really picky about how I earn money

Sitting on the toilet and feel devastated I forgot my smartphone and then spending the rest of my time on the toilet thinking about how boring it is without my smartphone.

wonder who wrote these things

getting furius wen ppl hav bad speling n grammer

Not being able to balance in heels because the insides are smothered in foot sweat. -_-

Wonder who decide what news stories we see and don't see?

I'm so used to pooping with my phone that everytime I forget it I take less than 5 minutes, versus the usual 26.

Getting the strong urge to "woo" or scream in a large and quiet crowd, such as during church.

Give vocal commentary on the song I just played when I'm the only one in the car.

Get excited when the clock reads 12:34. especially when its a digital that can also read 12:34.56.

Start thinking about my blinking and feel that I am blinking weird

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.