When reading a book where the main character has the same name as someone I know, I visualize that character in my head as that person.

I wonder if old women enjoy sex?

play my ipod all night till my eyes hurt

I hate other people's mirrors, they make me look different

When im in a room alone on the computer i like to put on songs and lip sync to them in the mirror with really emotional expressions..

after switching lights..i go run as hard as i could do after reaching the bed

I hold my breath in elevators

I sometimes want to eat spaghetti with my hands, but for whatever reason have never done it...

Sit at your desk at work and think to yourself "is this it? I feel like I was meant for something bigger, like being an actor or a real life hero." then you look around you and feel bad because you feel like you dumped on everyone else who seem happy wih their lives. Then you go back to your boring desk job anyway.

When at someone else's house, trying to use the bathroom, keep a very close eye on the door just to make sure nobody's gonna walk in on you...

I always find myself criticizing some commercials on television like the first time I see them I think nothing of it but the third or fourth time I think hey wait a second...

I have mixed emotions when I drop a piece of food on the ground, like a chicken nugget, M&M, scoop of ice cream, etc - because part of me thinks it is sad because its only goal in life was to be eaten... but then the other part of me is happy for it, because it is possible that it *didn't* want to be eaten and has just made a successful escape. O_o

only turning the TV volume to numbers ending in 5

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

Love the Twilight books, HATE the movies.

When I haven't looked in a mirror for a while, I worry that I look awful, and when I get to a mirror, I'm like "Oh yeah, that's what I look like".

When there are multiple puddles on the sidewalk you try and jump in every single one of them

Saving my cash this year and not buying into the shopping hype

After peeling an apple, I will put the apple in a zip-lock and hold it through the plastic so my hands won't get sticky while I eat it.

I replace every word of a song with the name of my pet

Get turned on when you see a girl yawn

When a book is boring, i will think of my favouite song and then i will start singing the book, like i will look at the words and ligit, start singing them in my favourite tune~im so weird

Thinking you could bump into someone by the corner of a building (or a wall)

Massive hang-over. Say out loud and promise I will never drink like that again. Next time drink atleast as much as the last time.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.