Thinking you smell really bad and then putting to much deodorant/perfume/ect and you still think you smell bad. Is this just me?

Pick my scabs off and then lick the blood off.

I think about doing evil things to people then i tell the person about it nikki

Randomly agree for the Terms of Service for just about everything on the internet. Then becoming very frightened at the thought that you have violated them in some way.

Forget a seemingly simple word. Shout it out at random 3 days later...(don't tell me you don't do this)

fart and talk thinking it will cover the smell

Am i the only one who noticed that the title of this page has a grammatical error?

When riding in a car I pump my arms to pretend I'm running at an incredible rate.

Sometimes I have a dream in the morning that I checked my clock but then when I wake up Im perplexed when Ive gone back in time -Ethan

If I am waiting on someone and they are late, I start mentally listing their faults, flaws and mistakes but feel kind of bad for doing it when they finally show up.

When you drop something and then drop it again as soon as you start picking it up

Read shampoo bottle when no magazine in bathroom.

I like to food shop between midnight and 5 am

Whenever Terminator 2 is on tv, I become enthralled and can't stop watching even though I've seen it a million times.

When I fap at friends house, I use mobile data instead of his wifi incase history can be seen

When theres a sex scene in the movie I like to jack off to see if I would last as long as the man -deadpool (yogurt)

Hatch an escape plan as soon as my date starts to complain about anything.

I hum the MLP:FIM theme and hope no one recognizes the tune.

When boarding the escalator, I select a specific step before getting on causing a slight queue.

I feel no shame that I am a camgirl online and bring in about $2800 a month just to flash guys my boobs. :)

Complimenting a girl awkwardly,and then smiling stupidly later and thinking of alternate versions of the conversation that happened!!

When does eating pop corn, take apart the bag and lick all the extra butter.

sometimes i wonder how it would be to think in another language and i try but cant

I have an imaginary therapist. I talk to him in my head and he actually gives me really good answers.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.