I'm a female. Sometimes I pee in the shower just so that I can try to aim my pee at the drain. This way I can imagine what it's like to pee with a doodle.

Think of a song, tv show, or movie for a brief moment. Hear/see it the next day.

Mouth words to people wearing headphones to try and get them to take them off.

when watching a movie or tv show, i think i am the main character and when it does somthing stupid i become embaressed

When the font allows it, try to hide the cursor in capital I's.

Sometimes when I'm watching a sitcom, I get distracted from the jokes because the characters are in a bedroom and I start focusing on the awesome stuff they have.

i wonder why someone decided to spell words unusually for example why couldn't because be spelt becuz the way it sounds?!

repeat what you just said 2 seconds ago in a group conversation thinking no one heard you

I often think I have the greastest taste in everything

think that your whole life is just a dream and that you're going to wake up someday

While driving out in the country area, I am secretly looking for Squatch

twirl your penis in a cirlce and make the woo woo sound

Whenever I'm holding two round objects, I try to juggle them.

I bought a ps4 and really regret it.

Forgetting the same word over and over again and having a spaz attack when you can't remember it for more than a couple of seconds.

Waking up @ 4 AM wondering where your pillow went

I feel strange when I look at someone and think ''This person has had sex''

fart and talk thinking it will cover the smell

Thinking you could bump into someone by the corner of a building (or a wall)

Write "my opinion thinking-aloud-sentences" on the "circle the answer" test as footnotes when I'm not sure about the answer.

When I'm on an escalator going up, I always imagine myself falling back and how incredibly painful (and possibly bloody) it must be.

read some comments here and wonder if people really do that

always check thde back seat before starting the car

When ever my boyfriend doesn't reply to a text for a few hours I always imagine a worse case scenario and end up crying hystaricaly.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.