I drive in the car then suddenly awake from a day dream and realize ive driven for the last 4 miles with no recollection of the journey.

I am such a coward. When I'm going to have an argument or complain to someone, I think of the beat ever retort, but when it comes down to it I say "why are you so mean" or " why don't you just leave me alone for once" or something like that. ( Yes I get picked on, cos I'm the smartest in our class)


When you are taking a test or anywhere , you remember something funny and you laugh randomly looking like a dumbass then pretend to cough.

Sometimes when I'm watching a sitcom, I get distracted from the jokes because the characters are in a bedroom and I start focusing on the awesome stuff they have.

stop the microwave when I hear the food popping

Search through the most popular section of this website trying to find my one

I have mixed emotions when I drop a piece of food on the ground, like a chicken nugget, M&M, scoop of ice cream, etc - because part of me thinks it is sad because its only goal in life was to be eaten... but then the other part of me is happy for it, because it is possible that it *didn't* want to be eaten and has just made a successful escape. O_o

When I see someone who is clearly wealthy, I think to myself "I could do it better than you..."

Watching tv with family/friends and laughing at something on the show, and then feeling awkward because no one else laughed.

Naming every pet you've ever owned Peter Jankins

Run up all stairs two at a time, and memorize all the staircases with odd number of steps. On those, I start with one step so I can end on a two.

Stare off into space in the middle of a conversation

When I check into a hotel room I think about the countless number of sex acts that has been performed in there.

Sometimes I think that I'm a character in The Sims 3 and someone is controlling everything I do.

Smell a fart and don't react until someone else does.

When watching television, I give people I don't like the finger

Thinking you smell really bad and then putting to much deodorant/perfume/ect and you still think you smell bad. Is this just me?

Watching a movie with bugs in it and instantly feeling that shivery 'holy sh*t there are bugs on me' feeling.

When reading something on the internet highlighting the words, they don't even have to be what you'r reading just highlighting large sections of the article at random.

I bought a ps4 and really regret it.

Flexing your abs when you put on deodorant so you dont look fat

After watching a video of someone doing something tiring, I always feel tired in whichever body part they were using in the video

when making thing only you think you do you never read the terms of service

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.