After reading some good posts here, I skipped to the last pages just to find out really sick people and stupid things.

Meet a really cool girl imagine the rest of my life with her.

Moisturize "down there" after a really drying wipe session.

whenever I lucid dream, I find that I don't do much

in silences, freak, thinking someone can read your mind and tell them off in your head

k. everyone

Shudder when someone bites down on icey poll or an ice cube

Drink half the water in a water bottle and then swish it around pretending to drown little people inside it.

suddenly get stage fright when in a public bathroom stall and break the awkward silence by pretending you just went in there to get loo paper to blow your nose.

Call the ninja turtles by their full names.

when i was i kid i use to do the balloon trick where you rubit on your head then when there is enough put it on a wooden floor and while it's followin me i put my hands out and pretended that i was controlling it

Being all alone in your house and your mind starts to believe its haunted.

In a meeting at work, you imagine throwing coffee into your boss's face, just to see what he would do.

say "ow" when your character in a video game gets hurt

I make different scenarios for different songs I listen to. I pretend the walls and couches are people. I talk to them.

Give vocal commentary on the song I just played when I'm the only one in the car.

Go to someone's house and go and ask where something is and the person you ask just tells you without getting up (I know it doesn't go with the theme of this site but its just something annoying)

When you say bye to someone and keep walking in the same direction, and then its really awkward...

Sometimes I try to solve a math problem using my finger and my thigh, and when I make a mistake a erase it with my hand.

When you do something really cool but no one is there to see it and it's pointless to try and tell them about it because they don't believe you

In school trying to do a small fart because it really hurting and suddnly a earthquake happens

When I see that someone else is typing while I'm texting them, I try to quickly finish what I'm typing and send it so that I won't have to change my response.

When on a sidewalk I always try to make my last step on the block with my left foot.

I don't like to answer the phone because it is never for me.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.