After washing butt, turn my butt towards the shower and spread butt cheeks apart to wash the soap out of my crack.

Make a little song with tiny breaths out of your nose

I refuse to forward chain letters

i wonder why someone decided to spell words unusually for example why couldn't because be spelt becuz the way it sounds?!

I wish I can go somewhere where there is no influences trying to get me to buy a product or be a certain way

repeat what you just said 2 seconds ago in a group conversation thinking no one heard you

When I'm in the shower I condition my pubes so they get nice and soft.

I always find myself criticizing some commercials on television like the first time I see them I think nothing of it but the third or fourth time I think hey wait a second...

When doing your hair or makeup you pretend your doing a tutourial when nones around

think that you are wasting way too much time on this website and that you could be exercising right now or be doing a million more productive things than righting about doing more productive things on things you think only you do.

Made after doomsday plans

I feel strange when I look at someone and think ''This person has had sex''

Pee while setting down even if your a dude.

When riding in a car I pump my arms to pretend I'm running at an incredible rate.

Moisturize "down there" after a really drying wipe session.

suddenly get stage fright when in a public bathroom stall and break the awkward silence by pretending you just went in there to get loo paper to blow your nose.

Thinking your life is a movie...

When theres a sex scene in the movie I like to jack off to see if I would last as long as the man -deadpool (yogurt)

Sick the top of you fingers in your pants when you are doing something that requires one hand, like watching t.v

oh snap, i got a boner. hope nobody notices

When I'm getting shouted out i blur my eyes and think of something else :3

Always run up the stairs as if someone was chasing you.

When you do something really cool but no one is there to see it and it's pointless to try and tell them about it because they don't believe you

I sometimes feel someone is watching me and speak towards it in a calming tone, only to again speak to myself telling myself im just being silly... only to turn my head and look behind me just in case.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.