getting furius wen ppl hav bad speling n grammer

listening to music and not realizing ur favorite song is on until the last word

See a news article that looks interesting, too lazy to read the whole thing. Skim.

Saving some leftovers of your favorite food .... the next week its still there (:

Whenever I think of something creative or weird, I always wonder if someone thought of the same thing.

Wait until my friends are done eating lunch so I don't have to dump my tray alone.

text somebody something and if they don't reply quickly, resend that same text.

When I fap at friends house, I use mobile data instead of his wifi incase history can be seen

I never read the terms and conditions but I say I have

I like to sleep on the floor; my my cushion is too soft.

When you fart in class but try to cover it up by moving around so other people think it was just the chair squeaking.

Go for a 10 mile run.

While I Am on the computer late at night, my Mum tells me to go to bed, I say I will in a second. I stay for a few more minutes, my mum tells me again, I do the same thing...

Wondering who would cry at your funeral

Get excited when the clock reads 12:34. especially when its a digital that can also read 12:34.56.

Try to make a sound described in a book or text (like a gasp or a gargle)

Lay in bed , and think what i could of said while i was talking to my crush or what could of happen.

Refreshing captcha codes for five minutes straight until you find reasonably legible letters.

Random strong urge to squeeze immensely cute pet.

Wonder if certain people can read my mind... start thinking weird stuff and try to stop.

Act as if you don't notice her, but you really are dying to take another look at her.

Stepping on a concrete sidewalk square the exact amount of times as the others.

Writing/ Typing "wemon" to represent more than 1 women, but then realizing that it's not actually a word...

Look at adigital clock sideways when in bed while tryingto sleep and try to make the numbers look like faces

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.