I choose not to post a comment on some subjects because I know there will be a hundred others that will be the same.

In case you have the ears pierced, take out the piece, and smell it, even if it smells so bad, you like the how it smells... lol

Touch something dirty with one hand then wash it but then wash the other hand cause it feels weird when it's not wet like your other hand.

Constantly look at all clocks when the minute hand/digit reads '11'

Cheak the fridge every 5 minuets waiting for food to just "magicly" appear

I T-bag my teammates in MW3 when they die.

Use a signature that automatically gets me hundreds of red thumbs... Yeah that moral crap...

My dreams are almost always bizarre in some way - the only time they're ever normal is when they're the premonition type, and then they're about completely uneventful things but accurate down to the tiniest detail.

Whilst passing a mega dump or room clearer as my brother calls them I come up with songs...sometimes in spanish

Drink alcohol out of styrofoam soda cups on the bus and train.

Sometimes I lie in bed and wonder what the house would look like upside down.

Brake for tail-gaters

Here's a fun game I play if I wake up in the middle of the night: I look over at the alarm clock and see what numbers are displayed. Then I shut my eyes tightly and wait a few seconds before opening them again. If I open my eyes and see that the numbers on the alarm clock have changed, I win. If I open my eyes and they didn't, I lose.

(1) In the middle of a conversation, I start to think of all the crazy stuff I could do even though I would never want to i.e. punching them in the face, making out with them, flashing them.

Moisturize "down there" after a really drying wipe session.

Sometimes I think about what I would do if I accidentally killed someone. I don't want to kill anyone, but if I did it accidentally. Would I call an ambulance, hide the body, confess to police, destroy evidence, etc?

When I'm riding in the car, I'll spot a tree, make it my goal and try to beat the car on the opposite side of the road to it. (Seriously I don't think anyone else does this!)

This song will not come out of my head!

Take baths

Poo really loud

Say "Up and Down" for "Left or Right"

I like to turn the lights off in the bathroom, actually block every little bit of light I possibly can, then take a nice warm shower, curl up on the floor, block my ears and enjoy the warm water and sensory deprivation.

Coughing really loud to cover up the sound of your fart, then shitting your pants.

type "haha" because lol is too gay...but slip sometimes and type lol anyway lol....

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.