Look at adigital clock sideways when in bed while tryingto sleep and try to make the numbers look like faces

When in a public bathroom and others are in there, pretend to fix your clothes/hair until everyone has left before you use it.

Lay between the wall and the bed when the bed is pefectly fine

If two cars towing boats were to crash into each other, Would that make it a boating accident?

i have my own way of eating every chocolate bar i eat, layer by layer

When I drink out of a disposable coffee cup with a lid, the opening on the lid has be on the exact opposite side from the seam where the cup is glued to form the cylinder.

Before going to the bathroom, check behind the shower curtains for serial killers.

When reading a book where the main character has the same name as someone I know, I visualize that character in my head as that person.

I have short haircuts so I don't have messed up hair in the morning (It's a real time saver)

When listening to music on computer make sure your singing the words and act cool just incase the singer of that song and some other people you admire are watching you threw your webcam.

Rub a pen tip between my fingers.

Thinking you can do parkour even when you cant and the have a friend over and try to show off

I always thought Diane Ross sang '76 why don't ya babe, get out my life why don't ya babe'.

Have arguments with yourself about what to wear, where you put that other shoe, whether to get out of bed, etc. Just get up! No, you do it! You're the one who set the alarm! Ughhhhh I hate you!!

I have a feeling that life is a Video Game for another Universe. When the player looks at their computer screen, they see what I see. They control everything I do. Like The Sims games. Everyone else is either other players in a multiplayer server, or they are are all fake, computer players.

I kick my shoes off, sending them flying to various parts of the room. I then pick them up and place them neatly beside each other

Walk into a public bathroom and go to the urinal, but then stop and think theres some guy who will perv on you and then go in the cubicle.

Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie) Discovering your friend is a total retard (Charlie)

Flush the toilet right before done peeing so when you're done, the toilet and your pee has been flushed.

Listening to music walking through town and feeling like you're in a music video

Sometimes when I watch live TV, I mute the TV when I get embarrassed at what is happening on screen to other people.

when going through this website only read post that have 2 or more thumbs up

When alone at home turn on all the lights before it gets darker.

when i watch a movie, and a character in it gos underwater, i hold my breath with that person until that person gets above water, then i let go, either that, after the character comes up from the water, i still hold my breath until i cant take it anymore.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.