Pee while setting down even if your a dude.

Meet a really cool girl imagine the rest of my life with her.

Thinking you could bump into someone by the corner of a building (or a wall)

Moisturize "down there" after a really drying wipe session.

try and open the microwave right before it finishes.

k. everyone

when someones child falls and cries while you walking through town and you laugh to yourself

When Ive already talked to somebody , I think of things I couldve said to make the converstion better

Your mom. Just kidding everyone does her.

wait up to 14 days just to find the opportunity to use one, really good, joke.

I wonder why the word ISLAND has an "S" in it?

I sometimes feel someone is watching me and speak towards it in a calming tone, only to again speak to myself telling myself im just being silly... only to turn my head and look behind me just in case.

I shove food in my face like an animal when I'm home alone instead of eating like a normal person.

Burp, and then automatically say burp afterwards.

strawberry flavored hemorrhoid cream

Call out the mistakes I see drivers make in front of me.

I don't like to answer the phone because it is never for me.

When on a sidewalk I always try to make my last step on the block with my left foot.

Putting salt on dry toast, yum!

When you're alone in a room and you have to turn on the TV so it's not as silent...

when sleeping over at someone's house, make a cringing, weird looking face while opening the fridge in the middle of the night like somehow the look on your face will change the volume of the seal breaking open

Sometime if I need to go I would go outside so I don't splash the seat

Accidently send an empty text or text multiple people and send wrong text to wrong person

When I use deodorant, I flap my arms like a chicken a couple of times to get some air moving under there...

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.