When I go to bed, I imagine how I would deal with intruders, then I can't sleep.

If some makes you mad you do things alot better than you would if you were not mad

I don't like to answer the phone because it is never for me.

Feel like puhing the crap out of people who talk loud in public places.

Sometimes I toot.

I don't like just killing bugs in my home so what I do is I would catch them in a tissue and flush them down my toilet

going to bed at 10:30 pm realize i have to check Facebook go to YouTube randomly watch 2 hours of nothing, then find my self pulling an all nighter cause its 4 am and i got school.

Have arguments with yourself about what to wear, where you put that other shoe, whether to get out of bed, etc. Just get up! No, you do it! You're the one who set the alarm! Ughhhhh I hate you!!

when a sex scene comes on the tv i try make up an excuse to go somewhere like i need a drink or a pee.

Wake up after a dream. About a day later you think about if it was real or not.

wonder if the strange thing you're doing right now will pop up on this website

Think of a song, tv show, or movie for a brief moment. Hear/see it the next day.

Sometimes I look at people and think, "They poop."

After peeling an apple, I will put the apple in a zip-lock and hold it through the plastic so my hands won't get sticky while I eat it.

There's this reassuring voice in my head. She's almost like a mother, telling me that it'll be alright and that I have things to do.

I hate it whenever i hear Manny Paquiao saying "you know" in every interviews he make. Am i the only one who notice it?

Get excited when your friends think your favorite song is cool.

Count how many steps there are in a stairwell I use often and then try to take it by same number each time... Eg if there are 16 then always go by twos and missing the others!?!?!?

Archer's Pam poovey, Lana Kane and Malory makes me horny

My dreams are almost always bizarre in some way - the only time they're ever normal is when they're the premonition type, and then they're about completely uneventful things but accurate down to the tiniest detail.

fart and talk thinking it will cover the smell

in silences, freak, thinking someone can read your mind and tell them off in your head

If its dark and you have to go with rhe stairs i do that running because i tink somebody is behind my

Think about my life as a book when I'm in public, for example "I then walked over to my friend to say hello to him."

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.