Made after doomsday plans

You know how there is that sound that gives you the shiver? Whenever you here it you shiver and tell that sound maker to shut up, but then can't stop thinking about that sound and find people looking at you and saying "Is it really that cold?" And then you stop thinking about the sound. P.S. I would like to say I have never relized how weird I am! This site has revealed my inner weirdness! -Astrid

Count how many steps there are in a stairwell I use often and then try to take it by same number each time... Eg if there are 16 then always go by twos and missing the others!?!?!?

I never even met you! Why do you care who I'm talking to?

When I used to go on car rides at night I would look up at the moon and I would think it was following us.

Think of the most awkward or dreadful thing you could possibly do in any given situation and be almost compelled to do it but then realising that you could never show your face anywhere ever again if you did.

I Think people can read my mind....."if you can read my mind nod your head or don't if you don't want me to know that you can" It doesn't work either way but yeah thats just me lol

Use head & "Shoulders" for pubic hair

Whenever I see a girl, I always do the math for how good they would be for banging

Think about my life as a book when I'm in public, for example "I then walked over to my friend to say hello to him."

Everytime I look at the clock it see so say 4 20 9 11 or 11 11

Thinking your life is a movie...

I play out romantic scenarios with myself when I'm alone. We're talking full-blown just straight up talking out loud- to myself, of course. It's not that I'm lonely or anything since I did this when I had a boyfriend anyway (just to clarify, it didn't end because of this XD.) I really just feel like doing it because it's really friggin' entertaining. If you've never done it, well... it's basically like being in a really crappy, low budget soap opera, with a plot that doesn't make any damn sense, staring you as every character and the audience. That's basically the only way I could describe it lol.

wen on this website go look at the most disliked

when playing games like grand theft auto I drive normally like all the other people in the game when i'm bored

Slowly close the fridge door to see when the light bulb turns off.

turn off the alarm clock one minute before its goes off when you wake up in the morning

Trying to preform oral on yourself.... And failing.

i try to spit onto my line of piss while going to the toilet.

clean my ears with finger if they feel it.

oh snap, i got a boner. hope nobody notices

taking a shit while brushing my teeth.

Trying to recreate all facial expressions of people on television, even animated ones!

Press harder on the remote when I know the batteries are dead.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.