I don't thumb down any submissions because then I am just as bad as the people who thumb down mine

sit closer to the water so my poop isn't so loud..

When I remember something embarrassing I did or even something someone else did, I will yell random words. It started just with gasping but now I have like 5 words that I'll say randomly. It's evolved to include stressful or disturbing thoughts and not just embarrassing things. I have a pretty stressful life so I'm basically continuously making random sounds then looking around terrified that someone's heard.

Try to use my "Brain Power" to pick up things when I am too lazy to get up and get them.

I hold my breath in elevators

Does anyone else's mouse hand get colder then their other hand when they're on the computer?

I brace myself and close my eyes when I send an email to my teachers or parents.

listen to madonnas new album

Living in the shadow of an atheletic friend, and secretly wanting to beat them up just to prove that you're as good as they are.

I sometimes feel like I am the only one like me in this world

Sometimes, I have a hard time looking people I know in the eyes but have no trouble looking strangers in the eyes. I wish I knew why. Help!

Laughing at a joke that you dont think is funny but everybody else does

Make sure I put the deodorant top back on the correct way -- you know, so the sticker is to the front.

Sometimes I look at people and think, "They poop."

A lot of times I'll make up reasons for why different things happen even though I really have absolutely no idea.

Watching tv with family/friends and laughing at something on the show, and then feeling awkward because no one else laughed.

think that your whole life is just a dream and that you're going to wake up someday

Forgetting the same word over and over again and having a spaz attack when you can't remember it for more than a couple of seconds.

Lying in be and pretending you are in a tv show, the characters best friend, playing it out in your mind. Or you dream while awake, and you control it, and you fly to Hollywood and become your faborite celebrities best friend.

I keep on trying to imagine how long eternity is for when I go to Heaven. It never ends...


Count how many steps there are in a stairwell I use often and then try to take it by same number each time... Eg if there are 16 then always go by twos and missing the others!?!?!?

See a sexy girl, wanna go up and talk to her....cant think of anything cool to say and afraid of denial. Just me?

Sometimes when I look at a clock the seconds hand ticks backwards

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.