Eat a biscuit realise how nice it is and eat the whole packet

think about what im gonna say abillon times in my head before i say it -jesse

When walking into a smelly bathroom, hold your breath so you don't have to breathe in the poo air.

Wish I could hang out with some people from this site sometimes.

Count the amount of birthday wishes on your facebook page, and compare it to other friends birthdays.

Dance in the car just so the person you like will see you and be like "Aw, cute" but then they don't even see you so you stop...

Think about what to say to the person you like and never actually say it .

I peel tiny strings off of cheese sticks because it's more fun and tastes better.

I pee in the shower. :3

I sometimes want to eat spaghetti with my hands, but for whatever reason have never done it...

Imagine that other people can see what im doing, then try to act differently.

I wonder if old women enjoy sex?

play my ipod all night till my eyes hurt

Get a mini heart attack when your rocking on your chair and you nearly fall off

Sometimes when I watch live TV, I mute the TV when I get embarrassed at what is happening on screen to other people.

When an awkward situation arises, pull out my phone and aimlessly flip through the apps to pretend I'm busy doing something

Sometimes I look at people and think, "They poop."

Stepping on people's feet when I approach to kiss/hug/say hi to them.

when you kill a bug you act like a god and yell something before you kill it

when you are you a self flushing urinal/toilet you think it is a tiny camera and think someone is watching you so you rush to finish using the bathroom

interview yourself over some amazing accomplishment you achieved like becoming the youngest emmy winner and pretending you're really humble.

when your doing something or going somewhere you think didn't I already do this, like your back in time.

Being able to scare people by awkwardly standing behind them

Pick out an object ahead of me on the footpath and guess which foot will step closest to it

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.