listen to madonnas new album

Listening to music walking through town and feeling like you're in a music video

I use two pillows as I sleep, but I don't put them under my head, I put my head in between them.

Flush the toilet right before done peeing so when you're done, the toilet and your pee has been flushed.

Does anyone else's mouse hand get colder then their other hand when they're on the computer?

I sit sideways on the toilet because my bony butt fits better that way.

I sometimes feel like I am the only one like me in this world

Run up all stairs two at a time, and memorize all the staircases with odd number of steps. On those, I start with one step so I can end on a two.

I have the idea that i'm the only one who looks at this site.

Watching tv with family/friends and laughing at something on the show, and then feeling awkward because no one else laughed.

I make weird crazy faces at myself in the mirror whenever I leave the bathroom.

Lying in be and pretending you are in a tv show, the characters best friend, playing it out in your mind. Or you dream while awake, and you control it, and you fly to Hollywood and become your faborite celebrities best friend.

think that your whole life is just a dream and that you're going to wake up someday


Sometimes when I look at a clock the seconds hand ticks backwards

Count how many steps there are in a stairwell I use often and then try to take it by same number each time... Eg if there are 16 then always go by twos and missing the others!?!?!?

Get extremly pissed off when everyone on youtube thinks that only guys use the website and call you "dude" , "bro" or "sir" when they respond to a comment you posted -_-

If I'm in the car looking for an address or a street name I'll turn down the radio. Why?

Avoid as many television commercials as I can

Look at pictures of people who lived a long time ago and wonder how they lived without television and the Internet.

make mini paper airoplanes in boring lessons and pretend you are flying them

Drink half the water in a water bottle and then swish it around pretending to drown little people inside it.

hug the pillow at night so it protects me from monsters

Think that some of the posts here are pretty damn normal and how that means I am much weirder than I thought I was

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.