When you're having a discussion or an argument with someone and you are about to say something important then you completely forget what you were going to say.

When I'm watching a video on YouTube, I repeatedly click on the video slider section below the video because I feel uncomfortable not doing it, ever since I realized that you can't move to different parts of the video with your keyboard without clicking there first.

When reading something you have different voices for the characters/people.

Run back into your room when your microwaving something

When something says "I have read and agree to the terms of service" I quickly skim through it nd act like I read it.

I can't trill my R's

Ever played the sims, then wondered if you were just apart of a game and that maybe someone is controlling YOUR every move? Yeah. Me too.

Go up/down the stairs in 10 steps exactly. Talk to an imaginary girlfriend when I'm guilty of something, and she helps me out and holds me till I fall asleep.

put your hands in your bra or pants to keep them warm when you're not in public.

When I'm in the shower, I'm afraid something might try to kill me so I shower with my glasses on.

When you are almost crying while laughing in a silent area, you have to think terrible thoughts just to get rid of the laughing.

Only use the left earphone.

when you hear "tartar sauce" you think that it's actually made from tartar -MATT

Think that If I leave a big knife out on the counter- or a pair of tights/belt/scarf out in view, I believe that ultimately someone will break in and kill me via the aforementioned items.................and I will only have myself to blame.

Scratch inside my ear, then lick the finger I used.

Feeling very uncomfortable for days, untill your motivation finally reaches that point when you start learning for the exam.

if something stands for something, i come up with my own version of it.

Trying to recreate all facial expressions of people on television, even animated ones!

I think of doing something productive, but can't work up the motivation and end up on the internet instead.

Still sitting on the toilet 20 minutes after you're done crapping... you're not alone.. -Professor.

When you're bored or alone, you think of an argument you had with a friend recently, then think of all the things you should've said and get all powered up inside, but then you realise it's too late -_-

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

Start thinking about how your walking, and then worry that you may lose control of your legs and fall.

Refreshing captcha codes for five minutes straight until you find reasonably legible letters.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.