Before going to bed look around the dark room and when you see something suspicious you have a look to see its not a person

Sometimes when I watch live TV, I mute the TV when I get embarrassed at what is happening on screen to other people.

i would air drum even if theres no music playing

Lay between the wall and the bed when the bed is pefectly fine

I sometimes start moving my hands around "making them fight" pretending they are tiny fighters.

when you kill a bug you act like a god and yell something before you kill it

when i watch a movie, and a character in it gos underwater, i hold my breath with that person until that person gets above water, then i let go, either that, after the character comes up from the water, i still hold my breath until i cant take it anymore.

Eat the last bowl of ice cream. Then 6 hours later, you wish you hadn't. (sometimes even open the fridge and check whether you actually ate it or not)

A lot of times I'll make up reasons for why different things happen even though I really have absolutely no idea.

when going through this website only read post that have 2 or more thumbs up

Walking around on the streets wondering if you are really walking in place, and the earth is spinning according to how you walk, like a treadmill.

Talks to yourself in your head then replies to yourself out loud nikki

I often think I have the greastest taste in everything

Rubbing the corners of your lips on the side of your hand and smelling it.

Fart at home

Liking your own posts to make it seem like at least 1 person likes you. thinking that maybe someone will be slightly compelled to like it because someone already did.

Forgetting the same word over and over again and having a spaz attack when you can't remember it for more than a couple of seconds.

having cool friends, but all their other friends are nerds.

having cool friends, but all of their other friends are nerds.

When I'm walking along and just trip over my own foot I look back and pretend to look at whatever it was I tripped over.

After reading some good posts here, I skipped to the last pages just to find out really sick people and stupid things.

Hearing a noise and turning around to see if theres a monster in the room, and when you see nothing you think "hmm, he hides everytime I turn my head around." and then for the next minute you try to suddenly look back to see if you can catch it off guard.

Remember some homework I have to do... On the day that it's due.

When you're having a discussion or an argument with someone and you are about to say something important then you completely forget what you were going to say.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.