Remove all the stupid gobbldegook words that the captchas from this site add to my predictive text.

Avoid as many television commercials as I can

Look at pictures of people who lived a long time ago and wonder how they lived without television and the Internet.

When something says "I have read and agree to the terms of service" I quickly skim through it nd act like I read it.

make mini paper airoplanes in boring lessons and pretend you are flying them

Think that some of the posts here are pretty damn normal and how that means I am much weirder than I thought I was

hug the pillow at night so it protects me from monsters

When you are almost crying while laughing in a silent area, you have to think terrible thoughts just to get rid of the laughing.

Pretending not to hear someone talk to you hoping they wont care enough to repeat themselves so you wont have to talk to them

when you hear "tartar sauce" you think that it's actually made from tartar -MATT

Thinking your life is a movie...

Whenever I fall over I always seem to think coherently throughout the fall about what can I do to make this less painful

listening to music and not realizing ur favorite song is on until the last word

When you're in your late teens, you blare the car stereo when driving near girls that are walking. When you grow up, you turn the radio down in fear that you look like a tool bag.

When I fap at friends house, I use mobile data instead of his wifi incase history can be seen

if something stands for something, i come up with my own version of it.

I chew around the center of carrots.

I never read the terms and conditions but I say I have

when someones child falls and cries while you walking through town and you laugh to yourself

In britain,everytime i see a magpie i got to do this silly ritual and salute and say good morning mr magpie (depending on wat time of day it is) and make sure 2 ppl see it at the same time or something bad will happen.then someone will tell me another one i should do and i add it on! Its never ending.

Become self-conscious and wonder if you were making faces while day dreaming during the middle of class.

Still sitting on the toilet 20 minutes after you're done crapping... you're not alone.. -Professor.

Sometimes I forget that there are spiders in my bedroom, so after I've seen one I can't sleep for several days for fear that they'll eat me if I do. Then I forget about them again and thus the cycle starts.

I lay in bed at night with my eyes closed but not asleep,and my mind will tell me that thier is someone standing by my bed,i will think and say to myself,im not looking because thats ridiculous. Then after a 30 seconds pause,have a quick peep.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.