When something weird happens I nod in agreement.

Sorry I posted last comment 3 times. And it is best ever not beat ever.

Listen to song and think of a great montage that would go with it.

I hate when people say for example,if something is $3.99 they say its four dollars.

I practice my signature on a piece of paper over and over again. Even though my signature has never changed.

I hum the MLP:FIM theme and hope no one recognizes the tune.

Rubbing your scalp and watching your dandruff fall like snowflakes

if something stands for something, i come up with my own version of it.

I chew around the center of carrots.

I thought I was disgusting until I read the top voted things here. Floral: Actually pretty neat.

oh snap, i got a boner. hope nobody notices

taking a shit while brushing my teeth.

when being in the bathroom at night, avoid looking in the mirror

Become self-conscious and wonder if you were making faces while day dreaming during the middle of class.

Still sitting on the toilet 20 minutes after you're done crapping... you're not alone.. -Professor.

get annoyed when people talk on the phone really loudly in front of the TV, forcing you to mute your show, resulting in you missing half of what the people are saying.

I lay in bed at night with my eyes closed but not asleep,and my mind will tell me that thier is someone standing by my bed,i will think and say to myself,im not looking because thats ridiculous. Then after a 30 seconds pause,have a quick peep.

When you have a stuffy nose, and you put tissue in one nostril so you can breathe.

When I hear footsteps approaching while I'm sitting on the toilet, I'm getting ready to jump at the door in case I actually forgot to lock it.

In school trying to do a small fart because it really hurting and suddnly a earthquake happens

When does eating pop corn, take apart the bag and lick all the extra butter.

Start to do homework online, end up on facebook :/

When I am drinking coffee and I am nearly finished I swish the coffee to get the last of the sugar

i absolutely hate the number nine, and when i told my brother this i was like "sometimes i wish i could delete the number 9" and hes like "but then youd have 9 numbers" and i was like..... "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU"

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.