You know how there is that sound that gives you the shiver? Whenever you here it you shiver and tell that sound maker to shut up, but then can't stop thinking about that sound and find people looking at you and saying "Is it really that cold?" And then you stop thinking about the sound. P.S. I would like to say I have never relized how weird I am! This site has revealed my inner weirdness! -Astrid

Wonder who decide what news stories we see and don't see?

Say the Lord's name in vain, then say "sorry God" under my breath right after.

I choose not to post a comment on some subjects because I know there will be a hundred others that will be the same.

Simultaneously apply pressure to my ears to make the surrounding noises sound weird Tristan J.

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When you're having a discussion or an argument with someone and you are about to say something important then you completely forget what you were going to say.

Whenever I send or receive texts, I always make it a point to have more received texts than sent ones. It makes me feel popular.

i feel relived after i prick and see that hard-white thinggy that oozes outside my annoying acne.

I sometimes chew on the inside of my cheek

When I walk past a homeless person asking for change, I avoid looking them in the eye and walk faster.

misread dig bick

Sometimes I would just be thinking to myself and then think of something funny and laugh but I don't share it with anyone else makes me look insane.

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i see almost everything as a sign

I violate and then kill people, all ages and kinds... ..:But everyone does that right? I mean... Lol, I just type that because I am insecure now, and I kill when I am insecure... ...Excuse me.

Sometimes at night, I find myself imagining people I know saying my name, trying to get my attention in my head. They won't stop until I respond out loud.

Slowly close the fridge door to see when the light bulb turns off.

Trying to recreate all facial expressions of people on television, even animated ones!

When a male dies and screams in pain in a movie, I feel normal about it. When a female does, I feel bad and want to help.

Only one tissue left in the box... I'll just use toilet paper.

browse the internet at school and look at shit brix and the dog with the jesus butthole appears and the teacher saw and said what are you looking at? i was banned for the rest of the term. jesse footter

Whenever I'm chewing on gum that has lost its flavor, I extract the gum from my mouth using my fingers before putting it back in so the flavor would return.

When I'm in the shower I act like I'm filming a music video.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.