right click refresh on desktop. Repeat

When listening to music on computer make sure your singing the words and act cool just incase the singer of that song and some other people you admire are watching you threw your webcam.

I always have to know exactly what time it is before I go to sleep, just so I can figure out exactly how many hours of sleep I will get.

I fill my bathtub up with marinara and then sit curled up in it and pretend that I am a meatball.

When on long car rides through the mountains of Cali, look at a fence and pretend its a roller coaster and talk like im on it with a friend. And when the fence ends,name and rate it like it was real -Nirp

When I’ve got something cooking in the microwave, before actually looking to see how much time is left, I try to guess how much time is left; if I’m correct within 3 seconds on the timer, I actually feel a measure of accomplishment.

When walking around a slightly empty store, I walk around and pretend I'm a spy, trying not to be seen.

When I'm alone with my pet, sometimes we just sit down and stare at each each other for a minute or two

When reading a book where the main character has the same name as someone I know, I visualize that character in my head as that person.

I have the idea that i'm the only one who looks at this site.

only turning the TV volume to numbers ending in 5

Have a sudden urge to say "bomb" at an airport.

Try to keep a balloon in the air with out touching the ground, using anything but my hands -Noel

Feel uncomfortable with the TV volume on an odd number

Skip the first 3 minutes of "Free Bird" because it's too slow.

Avoid as many television commercials as I can

Eat my shed skin from a sunburn

I use encryption even for everyday, routine communications because f*ck the NSA.

Touching that door knob three times before opening the door.

see a old couple in the street and think," i wonder if he still bangs her" lol

I'm a guy and I like to wear swimwear as underwear

Coughing really loud to cover up the sound of your fart, then shitting your pants.

I have an unhealthy obsession with and so always talk about Penge North Korea beige mauve and medium density fiberboard. This explains why I'm such a popular guy

When watching the news and see all those children and other innocent people die at wars, in my mind I shout at God and ask him why he doesn't give me the sign and my powers to save the world. J.C.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.