eat the muffin bottom because it isn't as good as the top and i want to get it over with

When you Sitting on the couch and say "I am hungry" but then don't do anything because you are too lazy.

Being able to think about great ideas for the world, but not being able to get a math problem done.

Pretend to listen to music, but just do it so nobody talks to me or i simply just ignore them.

Sometimes I have something I want to do and then walk into the room to do it in and forget exactly what I was trying to do, it usually involves the kitchen so I just look in the refrigerator then leave and then remember what it is I wanted to do.

When I get in the car I look in the backseat for monsters or psychopathic killers and as I am turning to check I say out loud 'Oh, maybe my book is in the backseat, let me check' so the monster or killer doesn't know I'm really looking back there for them. That way they might not kill me.

When bored in School, I like to imagine what I would do at that exact moment if a Zombie Apocalypse started.

Poop naked.

Having gay sex

make those little rectangles with your mouse on the computer get so close that they are together and you cant see them and try to move to the left or right, keeping the lines together so you cant see them.

Blow on your ice cream for no apparent reason before you eat it.

Pull your headphones away from your ear when you're listening to music to see if it's too loud.

If I have to get up early the following day I will surprisingly wake up early even without an alarm

Leave those last one or two sheets of toilet paper after taking a crap just so you don't have to replace it.

Telling yourself that starting tomorrow you will start to exercise and eat better, but never doing it.

freak out if poster or pictures eyes are looking at me and can't have pictures in my room of famous people, however if I'm out and scared i have to have the pictures on my phone look at me for safety.....really wondering if any one else has this

feed a gecko worms every day, not the good worms though...

When I'm alone I occasionally like to give a little hump to the air. Not for sexual reasons or anything, just because it feels right.

I feel like people next to me can read my mind so if I start thinking about something sexual it feels super awkward

going to bed at 10:30 pm realize i have to check Facebook go to YouTube randomly watch 2 hours of nothing, then find my self pulling an all nighter cause its 4 am and i got school.

When you buy a car you then see that make/model everywhere.

When I go to somewhere like France I always wittily comment to my friend " oh look at all those bloody foreigners as I have always thought they were tougher on immigrants

place all your achievements in your room to impress your friends

Whenever I'm chewing on gum that has lost its flavor, I extract the gum from my mouth using my fingers before putting it back in so the flavor would return.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.