i have my own way of eating every chocolate bar i eat, layer by layer

I use my mobile as a torch and keep hitting random buttons to keep it alight.

i fap in the bathroom because its the only room i have a reason to lock the door in.

Sometimes I make awkward eye contact with strangers. And I quickly look away. And then I look back. And then look away again. And I keep being compelled to stare awkwardly at the random stranger for no reason.

When I take a shower, I screw with my iPod for a half an hour "Waiting for the water to warm up".

When light goes off and cant see digital clock numbers when you are trying to sleep/wake up, i scream and get terrified because i think i got blind

When listening to music on computer make sure your singing the words and act cool just incase the singer of that song and some other people you admire are watching you threw your webcam.

when in the car with just one parent i get very cautious about what im thinking cuz i feel like they r reading my mind

Taking the little rings off the top of my bottles.

setting your alarm early so that when you wake up you see you still have time to sleep and you're like YES!!!

When I'm alone with my pet, sometimes we just sit down and stare at each each other for a minute or two

Living in the shadow of an atheletic friend, and secretly wanting to beat them up just to prove that you're as good as they are.

I got a lot of high rated entries, but they dont contain Moral: This.

Not eat French fries because I don't like the taste rather than because they are unhealthy?

When alone at home turn on all the lights before it gets darker.

disgusted by people that are obsessed with poo and pee

Sometimes, I have a hard time looking people I know in the eyes but have no trouble looking strangers in the eyes. I wish I knew why. Help!

Pour the cheap shampoo I can only afford these days into the empty expensive bottle to trick myself I'm still using the good stuff.

Drum on the chair between your legs and wonder if people think that you're playing with yourself.

I have walked into a sliding glass door

Reading these, realizing that you don't do some of the things on the top of the list, and wondering if you're weird.

Fap and when you're done you feel ashamed and feel like you're wasting your life lol

in the morning when you wake up and take a shower you make weird faces to stretch out and "warm up" your face for the day

I sometimes wonder if im a baby and my whole life is just a big dream

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.