To my comment below... Rest im peace MJ... Shhh! Mary Jane is resting!

Sometimes I'll say quotes from movies or TV shows out loud to myself.

Try to keep a balloon in the air with out touching the ground, using anything but my hands -Noel

Say ow when I bang something I'm caring into something, even though I didn't get hurt at all. -B

Touching that door knob three times before opening the door.

when you wave at a car thinking its someone you know and it ends up being some old lady.

I am sure that no one else has the same mental slowness as me and my brother. When I say mauve he says maeve and we continue like this for hours. It is certainly an exciting way of eating up those motorway miles:)

When watching the news and see all those children and other innocent people die at wars, in my mind I shout at God and ask him why he doesn't give me the sign and my powers to save the world. J.C.

When I get bored of sex and p*rn, I download animal "mating" stuff for variation.

something happens with a person that u were close to but then they become an asshole, u get mad, and when u stop talking feel really depressed even though u hate them

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

Sometimes I think about what I would do if I accidentally killed someone. I don't want to kill anyone, but if I did it accidentally. Would I call an ambulance, hide the body, confess to police, destroy evidence, etc?

Pronounce hors d'oeuvres 'whores-dev-ers' thinking I'm so witty.

I have had a dream where my teeth fall out.

When I am at amusement parks I look and determine which guys I could beat up and which I couldn't.

Cover the built in webcam on my laptop when I'm using it with a folded piece of paper just in case

Pretending I'm on my cellphone in public.

Boy:did it hurt? Me: Did what hurt? Boy:When you fell from heaven. Me: I came frome the pits of hell! Boy: Well then...O__O

when you mouth words (but saying them out loud) when someone can't hear you

Become self-conscious and wonder if you were making faces while day dreaming during the middle of class.

When you lie in bed and imagine scenarios that will never happen.

I wonder if a blind person knows how colors look?

Blink and pretend that you just took a picture with your eyes.

Sometimes, when I'm at work, I j3rk 0ff in the bathroom. Please tell me someone else has done this????

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.