Find that the kettle has recently been used and still contains hot water so decide to have a cup of tea just so that boiling that water wasn't a waste. Think that it might have cooled down by now. Reboil the water.

Whenever I go to the toilet on an airplane I worry that during the time I'm there the plane will drop out the sky.

you look at someone and they look toward you and you look away quickly then you look back to see if they are still looking.

Use a signature that automatically gets me hundreds of red thumbs... Yeah that moral crap...

When watching the news and see all those children and other innocent people die at wars, in my mind I shout at God and ask him why he doesn't give me the sign and my powers to save the world. J.C.

Brake for tail-gaters

Have a dream about somebody being mean to me. Proceed to be mean to them in real life.

Run back into your room when your microwaving something

When I play Sims, I feel like God and wonder if we, in fact, are just the players in God's Sims game. Hmmmm...

I say a word and it feels like it didnt roll off of my tongue right, so I keep mouthing the word and saying it quietly to myself or in my head. Then end up saying it loudly in affirmation, possibly more than once.

Make jokes about yourself on the period: "dear god, this is the 5th day I`m bleeding and I`m sill not dead. What kind of monster am I?" ...not funny... :)

When I blow my nose I think I'm blowing my brains out and certain parts of things I learned at school are going into the tissue and will be forgotten forever.

When listening to a song with headphones or on the radio i sing the harmonies or make them while they sing the lead

smile when you find out that the things you only do is right.

When looking at a digital clock that counts down to seconds, I wait until the seconds are an even number, then I try to say each number in order twice before it changes.

when im alone and in a bad mood i make stupid faces with my eyes closed and try and figure out how stupid i looked. then i start laughing hysterically because i think that im an idiot. then i repeat this process until i have to pee from laughing so hard because im already in the bathroom so why not utilize the toilet, rather than waiting for a commercial and speed-peeing because im scared that i missed some of the show i was watching :D -Grace-

when you pick up something you think is going to be heavy and its like you suddenly have super strength

Moving my bottom jaw around slightly makes me feel like I have dog-like ears and I'm moving them around.

.don't like something because being scared that it appears on my wall.

when you read a post that you don't do then start doing it

Only use the left earphone.

When someones talking to a group of people that I'm in and says something bad that I do but think nobody else does, I stand perfectly still and don't blink and breath as quietly as possible until the next subject arrives.

I twerk in the mirror to see how much my ass jiggles

Deside to watch a video in bed on your phone or iPad and drop it on your face...

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.