moving your hand with objects that are already moving and pretending you have the force.

When i get a back shiver. That's when i know something bad going to happen.

after switching lights..i go run as hard as i could do after reaching the bed

when your professor describes their wife or husband you imagine their wife or husband.

Feel like something is behind you/watching you, run to your room super quickly and get into the room before that something gets you

sometimes i poop in my pants and like the smell of my poop. Smells like whatever i just ate.

I have memorized most commercials and recite them when they come on the tv.

When there are multiple puddles on the sidewalk you try and jump in every single one of them

Just ocassionally stand up and pontlessly walk around the house when using the computer. Anyone?

When I find a new song I like, I listen to it over and over and over; >>Until I run that sh*t into the ground.

When your best friend has a certain make/model/color car, you start seeing it everywhere you go.

Before going to bed look around the dark room and when you see something suspicious you have a look to see its not a person

Fantasize a situation that turns you into a person with superpowers or something.

If I see the same model of vehicle as mine in a parking lot, I get overly excited if I manage to get a parking spot next to it. Extra points for same color or type (i.e. quad cab vs regular cab).

I sometimes start thinking about very non sexual things in the middle of masturbation, like what I'm going to wear the next day.

Try to keep a balloon in the air with out touching the ground, using anything but my hands -Noel

Put toilet paper in the toilet before I'm going to take a shit, so that the toilet won't get dirty.

I deeply pick my nose with tweezers. It's like the relief of pooping to me.

Massive hang-over. Say out loud and promise I will never drink like that again. Next time drink atleast as much as the last time.

I'm ridiculously turned on by the scent nail polish.

If I'm in the car looking for an address or a street name I'll turn down the radio. Why?

After reading something from this site, I find myself compelled to try it.

if I see submissions above mine get thumbs up but not mine I will put them down

I am sure that no one else has the same mental slowness as me and my brother. When I say mauve he says maeve and we continue like this for hours. It is certainly an exciting way of eating up those motorway miles:)

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.