I type a comment here and secretly feel special

If I'm walking across a road and a car stops to allow me to pass, I say 'Thank you' even though I know full well they cannot hear me.

Pretend I'm a back-up dancer or singing a duet with the singer of the song I'm listening to.

Sometimes I have something I want to do and then walk into the room to do it in and forget exactly what I was trying to do, it usually involves the kitchen so I just look in the refrigerator then leave and then remember what it is I wanted to do.

thinking your pants are wet when you only just sat down for a long time

When I was younger I started doing a weird habit of playing music and spinning around in circles in my room... .. I still do it to this day.

Without thinking i ask questions i know the answer to

sometimes when i fart i feel like i pooped a little in my underwear but tell myself ''no i didn't'' but feel poopy until i check.

While trying to sleep I obsess over the little red LED on the TV set which I can't even see unless I lift my head from the pillow.

Only taking half a biscuit because it makes you feel bad and then taking another half of a different biscuit.

I enjoy my company, I love myself, which is contagious, people around me enjoy my company, and love themselves. Moral: Thumb me down and prove you are a sad fuck TODAY!

Sometimes I look at security cameras and start to act suspiciously like I'm up to something... but really... I'm not.

When home alone, I put cans in front of the door so if someone breaks in, I wake up.

Tough but loving hands!! Mmm them calluses tho!! ^_^

Thinking something embarrassing, then having to talk to someone and suddenly getting worried you are about to blurt out your thoughts

When I'm around people, I sometimes yell in my head "STOP READING MY MIND! I KNOW YOU'RE DOING IT, SO STOP!" just in case.

when i watch a movie, and a character in it gos underwater, i hold my breath with that person until that person gets above water, then i let go, either that, after the character comes up from the water, i still hold my breath until i cant take it anymore.

Smelling food to see if its spicy.

if your listening to music, move the volume up and down to experience the bass a lil better

When you buy a car you then see that make/model everywhere.

Sometimes I'll say quotes from movies or TV shows out loud to myself.

Make the water from your shower shoot from your finger and pretend to be a water-bender.

When i close the refrigiator door, i re-open it and give it a good shove to make sure it tight.

I have walked into a sliding glass door

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.