Thinking about what is nothing and other deep shit when trying to fall asleep.

Walk away in the middle of a sitcom and then play the rest out of the episode in your head while doing something else.

Sometimes I worry that my life is just someones dream and that I'm not real.

Pretending to use the force while a door closes behind you, then thinking your brilliant :) -Tim.

Walking into a room to do something, and then forgetting what you were gonna do.

I feel no shame that I am a camgirl online and bring in about $2800 a month just to flash guys my boobs. :)

eat the muffin bottom because it isn't as good as the top and i want to get it over with

Write something down here so that it seems like you think its normal when your actually really paranoid that its not.

I sleep naked cauz It's dead sexy.

In elementary school whenever it was supposed to be mental math I never did it mentally.

whenever i'm holding a kitchen knife, i feel super weird like i'm gonna stab someone.... its not like i would ever do that, but i think about what would happen if i just impaled the person that is standing near me with a huge knife.

Consume skin around finger nails. Cuticle too.

Imagine the perfect video game and wonder why nobody made it yet.

look for old friends on facebook to see what they are up to now

when i wake up from a dream and it was an amazing dream. then i try to fall back asleep to have it doesn't work

Sometimes, when I'm at work, I j3rk 0ff in the bathroom. Please tell me someone else has done this????

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

Fart after someone else farts sop that no one will know you did too.

thinking "what if people can read my mind" then cant stop thinking dirty things about people around me

Back away as much as I can from airplane toilets before flushing them because the noise scares me

make those little rectangles with your mouse on the computer get so close that they are together and you cant see them and try to move to the left or right, keeping the lines together so you cant see them.

Check the shower before you pee to make sure nothing is waiting there to literally get you with your pants down.

Think about what to say to the person you like and never actually say it .

Telling yourself that starting tomorrow you will start to exercise and eat better, but never doing it.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.