When I'm walking on pavement or tiles I always make patterns, e.g stepping on every second tile, stepping a certain amount of times on each bit of pavement

I have memorized most commercials and recite them when they come on the tv.


When my girlfriend ask me what I am thinking about, I tell her I am thinking of all the great things about my last girlfriend.

sometimes when i fart i feel like i pooped a little in my underwear but tell myself ''no i didn't'' but feel poopy until i check.

Drink a huge amount of water only for the pleasure of having your stomach filled with it.

I used to drive home from my girlfriend's house late at night and stop on a stretch of road to take a leak. I'd walk backwards while peeing, creating a crooked line of pee in the road. I'd add to it night after night, then I'd drive by in the day to see my long pee stain in the road only I knew about. Anyone who passed by could see it, but only I knew what it was. It would last until the next rain and I'd have to start over.

the power to regenerate your appendix

You think someone is reading your mind and hurriedly change what your thinking to something normal

Get excited when your friends think your favorite song is cool.

If I'm alone, I'll imagine myself as somebody else an start acting as if I'm in a different life, complete with different people and places because in my imagination, I get to control what is going to happen next. Because, my imagination is way better than my reality.

wish you looked like either Kellan Lutz or Bradley Cooper! I wish magic existed now.

When riding in a car I pump my arms to pretend I'm running at an incredible rate.

Whenever I go to the toilet on an airplane I worry that during the time I'm there the plane will drop out the sky.

I apologize, when i bump against things.

I think Lois Griffin on Family Guy is hot!

I no longer trust any of my local news because they appear to have an agenda

Write "my opinion thinking-aloud-sentences" on the "circle the answer" test as footnotes when I'm not sure about the answer.

When I get bored of sex and p*rn, I download animal "mating" stuff for variation.

When someones talking to a group of people that I'm in and says something bad that I do but think nobody else does, I stand perfectly still and don't blink and breath as quietly as possible until the next subject arrives.

Cringe when remembering something weird about you that happened years ago

Think about Facebook chats when your offline!? P.S Am I the only one, REALLY!

Whenever I accidentally drop a glass or cup it always bounces the first time but breaks the second

Dad, what's that dark place over there? That's Chorley son, you must never go there.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.