not eating the ends of a hotdog.

i answer "why" to questions and then when someone gets pissed i say "when" Hey Jim, how's Mary? Why? Because she's your sister and I care about you. Why? Because you're my best friend. Why? STOP IT! When?

whenever there's a fight on facebook, i sit back and read it and i'm just like "people are stupid hehe"

Leave the fan on at night just in case you feel to warm.

When you are outside, you see a small shadow moving across the ground. You think it's a ball someone threw, so you look up to catch it, only to realize it is a bird.

I like to swallow great ammounts of water just to make the loud "clunk" sound in my throat.

click your pen off of your desk and make it hop in the air

i wonder why someone decided to spell words unusually for example why couldn't because be spelt becuz the way it sounds?!

every single time a sad song comes on your ipod you imagine yourself in a movie, gloomily looking out a window or sitting alone on a bench.

I hate it when people assume I'm smart just because I don't speak much and I wear glasses.

See how fast and accurate i can use the fast forward on my dvr and applaud myself when i go full speed and stop 2 seconds before the show is back on.

I talk through my teeth when i am talking to my pets.

I would try to make my pencil shavings as long as possible.

Just ocassionally stand up and pontlessly walk around the house when using the computer. Anyone?

When you think thoughts, you think them in complete sentences as if you were saying them and in your accent.

i try to spit onto my line of piss while going to the toilet.

i always fall in my imaginations. whenever i think of something, e.g me walking to my room, i'd fall on my way there. what's wrong with me.....

I see something glittery, someone tells me not to pick it up because I'll glitter all over myself, I pick it up anyway and glitter all over myself.

I get angry when people use question marks where they don't belong. QUESTION marks are for QUESTIONS. Not statements or opinions >:( "But whatever I don't care I mean that's your opinion?" X FFFUU- "But whatever I don't care I mean that's your opinion." ?

Every new years eve I like to watch the date on my computer change all three the day, the month, and the year

Become paranoid that this is not the real world, and instead is some coma induced dream.

When i need to poop i place toilet paper over the water so it doesn't splash up and hit my rectum.

Whenever Terminator 2 is on tv, I become enthralled and can't stop watching even though I've seen it a million times.

I wonder if we're actually just dolls and are being controlled by some little girl in her little doll house ....

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.