Have to take the phone with you everytime to the bathroom

When looking for something you need, just walk in circles around the house until it appears.

I actually get stuck watching those rediculous infomercials late at night... Yeah - you're not alone. But no, I don't buy anything either... Lol.

Attempting to silently sneak a fart, then it erupts from your anus.

When I see interactive ads on webpages ( "Shoot 5 iPhones And Get One Free!" type of windows ), I feel compelled to finish the task, even though I KNOW it's going to open a pop-up and waste 10 seconds of my life.

Kick the fallen ice cube underneath the fridge

Turning on the TV for background noise when I'm on my computer.

I click my teeth to music

Eat something to pass the time while I wait for my food in the microwave to be cooked.

hurting your foot and running around trying not to think of the pain!

When I say, "What?" after understanding exactly what someone said.

whenever im getting a haircut, i feel as if the barber can see my embarrassing and private thoughts.

I'll sing nice and loud in the shower and wonder why I haven't come out with an album yet

ask my dog questions then realize, she can't talk...

When I have headphones in, I wonder if my swallowing is extremely loud for everyone else too.

If I read that someone said something a certain way in a book I try to mimic their voice.

when i watch tv and it cuts to break, if i hear someone on the tv tell me not to change the chanel, ill say "u cant tell me what to do!" and then ill change it.

When nobody's home I blast the stereo and sing as loud as I can.

When tapping, I always have to do the same pattern of taps, and I feel incomplete if I don't finish the pattern I started.

Absentmindedly rub your stomach while lying down watching or reading.

I stand under my ceiling fan, looking up while spinning around to make it look still...

You pause while walking around your house when you're home alone because you think you heard a noise, but then realize it was just you walking.

I freak myself out during class/assembly/family dinners that someone there can read my mind, then just on cue I start thinking about sex and have to change my train of thought before they think I'm strange. Then I go round in a circle (clockwise of course) and scream their names in my head to see if they look so I know who reads minds.

use the shower water running of my arms and hands to shoot off random hairs inside the shower

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.