when I go shopping I go in the store, get what I need and then I leave I don't browse.

When in a public toilet, I never leave the cubicle until everyone is either out of the room or in their own cubicle.

look at bins as i walk past them

Sometimes I walk around town and watch peoples TVs through their windows. When they see me and confront me, I try to get a conversation about the show going.

I never read the Terms of Service. I just click "OK"

Imagining how it would feel to switch bodies with your crush

I sit in my sink and pretend that I am water.

sometimes *sigh* sometimes I-I-I-I feel like the third or fourth most useless invention! Moral: BUAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!

Clench your butt super hard to slowly let out a fart thinking no one will know.

Wait 2-3 seconds with anticipation whenever a baby falls for them to cry.

Whenever I cross the road with someone I try to walk faster then them just in case a car comes it won't drive me over.

Pretend I'm a back-up dancer or singing a duet with the singer of the song I'm listening to.

I sometimes wonder if the world is even real.

Get scared of the dark while in bed, so you make sure all limbs are tucked nice and tight under the covers. Once done, you now feel safe..

Say 'WED', 'NES' and 'DAY' slowly in your head when spelling Wednesday.

Pulling the same faces as the character you are reading currently is.

Watch 30 seconds of a commercial break only to realize it's dvr'd and I could be fast forwarding it.

not eating the ends of a hotdog.

i answer "why" to questions and then when someone gets pissed i say "when" Hey Jim, how's Mary? Why? Because she's your sister and I care about you. Why? Because you're my best friend. Why? STOP IT! When?

whenever there's a fight on facebook, i sit back and read it and i'm just like "people are stupid hehe"

Leave the fan on at night just in case you feel to warm.

When you are outside, you see a small shadow moving across the ground. You think it's a ball someone threw, so you look up to catch it, only to realize it is a bird.

I like to swallow great ammounts of water just to make the loud "clunk" sound in my throat.

click your pen off of your desk and make it hop in the air

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.