Go into a shop that you thought would have some interesting things, but when you find that it dosn't, you quickly browse the shop for a bit so that you don't offend the cashier by entering and leaving immediately.

when i know that friends are coming to my place the next day i clean up my room and then i'm like...oh i forgot to clean up i'm sorry, it's always in a mess...

Say "ow" when I drop something or before I get hurt

My hands are always so cold and clamy at school, when I go on dates, and when im with friends. But, of course, when im at home, they.are.normal. :l

I wonder if things are there because I see it and if I was not there to see it would it disappear?

Dramatically narrate everything I do in my head as I do it.

eating a sandwich with strategically placed bites such that i get the same ratio of crust to tastier non-crust sandwich center in each bite. sometimes i just take two smaller bites of crust and center part so that i don't have to taste mostly bread crust in a mouthful.

Every time I see my self in a mirror, I feel like I'm watching someone in a different dimension and make quick movements to see if they mess up.

i cant fall asleep unless i suck my thumb...

When i need to poop i place toilet paper over the water so it doesn't splash up and hit my rectum.

I always open up another tab on my browser, just in case I accidentally exit, so my computer can warn me that I will close 2 tabs.

I play video games with the controller under the covers.

Wonder why there are sites like this.

I shove food in my face like an animal when I'm home alone instead of eating like a normal person.

I never read the Terms of Service. I just click "OK"

When in a public bathroom stall and having to take a number 2 i wait until there is nobody else in there to let it go and also exit the stall.

Thinking about how fast you blink and how many times you have blinked. You then start blinking too much because you are thinling about yourself blinking, and you try to stop, but you can't stop thinking about it.

Everytime I look at the clock it see so say 4 20 9 11 or 11 11

when im lying in bed in summer and im hot i just turn my sheets on the other side so its cool again

when you're texting in class and you realize you are staring at your crotch and smiling.

when someone is talking about something i have no idea of and then asked me if i agree I'm like: oh yes! and then promptly changing subject so they won't find out

rub the underside of your ear lobe to smell the odd smell.

When I dont feel like sweeping I sweep the stuff under the fridge or something

Wait until there is nobody in the bathroom and then fart really really loud. Also I flip my pillow every 10 minutes so my head is on the cold side. (try it some time)

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.