I stick one foot out of my blanket so I'm not hot or cold.


no magazine on toilet? read shampoo bottle

try to get abs by doing the stupidest things

I rate certain songs on my iPod higher than others because if someone else is checking out my playlists, I don't want them knowing how much I really love that super cheesy song from the early 90's (even though every time it comes on, I hit repeat at least 3 times and sing aloud as loudly as I think I can get away with. I really, really love that song!).

While walking past someone thats wearing sunglasses you stare at them and wonder if there staring a t you aswell

Getting that huge shiver when you take a really good pee.

When Ive just intentionally committed some minor traffic offense (speeding, illegal U-turn) and suddenly worry a cop may have spotted me and act to myself in the car as if I was truly confused and have no idea what I did wrong, like moving my head around and saying, "Huh? Where's that house?"

After masterbating, I wonder if my dead relatives can just see what I did?

think about how different my life would be I if I didn't get married

I Repeat my coincidental happenings..and say please don't do(x5)..

Sometimes I stop typing in the middle of a sen

Naming every pet you've ever owned Peter Jankins

Whenever I go to a new place, I look around and carefully plan my escape route in case of zombies.

Think that some of the posts here are pretty damn normal and how that means I am much weirder than I thought I was

Before going to bed look around the dark room and when you see something suspicious you have a look to see its not a person

when someones child falls and cries while you walking through town and you laugh to yourself

slow down in front of automatic doors thinking they won't open and then rushing through when they do so you don't look stupid

When I'm walking on a sidewalk, I try to step on each tile an even amount of times.

Love the Twilight books, HATE the movies.

When I go to the bathroom I put toilet paper over my penis and pretend its a ghost

When I'm home alone at night I check around the corners to make sure there isn't anyone there

Every time I watch the movie I cry when the babysitter sings that song in the blues bar in the movie "Adventures In Babysitting"

While talking on the phone you can't think of anything to say then it gets awkwardly quiet

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.