I feel that getting a 98 on a test is better than getting a 99.

When I’ve got something cooking in the microwave, before actually looking to see how much time is left, I try to guess how much time is left; if I’m correct within 3 seconds on the timer, I actually feel a measure of accomplishment.

When im in a public toilet, i try not to make any sounds when taking a crap, not even a fart, so that when i come out no one will think i was taking a crap.

I wonder sometimes if I've ever met my future self.

Try to balance on and off on the light switch.

Consider selling lots of books, games or DVDs when you have too many to fit perfectly on their shelf.

If someone tells me what I did when I was drinking and it's stupid or embarrassing I pretend I don't remember because I was too drunk.

Play my music so low in public that I can hardly hear it in my headphones for fear of others being able to hear what I'm listening to.

When masturbating at night, looking at the window paranoid that someone is watching. But stopping or moving out of view.

Hold your breath when you go in bridge tunnels and compete against your friends to see who can last longer.

in the morning when you wake up and take a shower you make weird faces to stretch out and "warm up" your face for the day

Rub a pen tip between my fingers.

When using the bathroom count the tiles on the floor or shower wall or read a shampoo bottle.

I forget I turned the toaster on and jump when it goes off.

cussing someone out on a video game only to realize that your mic is off

Sitting on the toilet and feel devastated I forgot my smartphone and then spending the rest of my time on the toilet thinking about how boring it is without my smartphone.

I plan to put money away everyday but never seem to do it.

misread flashlight

When I forget to brush my teeth, scrape off the plaque on my teeth with my fingernail.

Try to use my "Brain Power" to pick up things when I am too lazy to get up and get them.

Pick giant boogers and eat them.

only feel the need to click one of the related sites that draws you after youve clicked 'next page'

Making "X's" with your fingernail on bug bites to get rid of them.

Whenever I Iook into the mirror, I think there's a second evil dimension.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.