When your at your friends house and they run out of toilet paper, so you sit there like "what do i do now?"

I look behind me and out of my window every 10 minutes while I'm sitting at my desk because I'm scared something's gonna be there.

Look at the toilet paper after i wipe my ass just to make sure i didn't leave anything behind..

You like to think about how your favorite characters would react if you told them that they were fictional.

Always coming up with a really great comeback in my head 5 seconds too late. And then playing out what would have happened if I had said it.

When watching television, I give people I don't like the finger

Boinked my neighbor

Clicking Yes to "I have read and agree to the Terms of Service" without reading one word of that stupid thing.

eat curry and don't complain about its spiciness ...if you're not white

When I have a really good dream, and I wake up and realize it was a dream, I try to fall back asleep and re-visit the dream.

Think long and hard about something but then realise you don't care

Do a light cough when in the toilet when there isn't no lock on the door so Ur stop someone walking in!!!

Wear hoods and sweatshirts in the middle of summer

Fantasizing about your friends in like 25 years telling there teenage kids about growing up and being friends with you. When you are a huge rich and famous star.

Try to balance on and off on the light switch.

I gotta get down of Friday

I piss excellence, shit suppority and whip myself with greatness.

Apply hand sanitizer after fapping.

Drive slow in straightaways and fast through curves, especially sharp ones.

Run the shower before you get in/ move out the way of the water to let it warm up first

When a male dies and screams in pain in a movie, I feel normal about it. When a female does, I feel bad and want to help.

Sometimes when I'm laughing really hard I awkwardly clap my hands.

You feel compelled to stab someone in the face... But you don't since you know its wrong. Instead you play violent video games to get it off your mind.

I'm ridiculously turned on by the scent nail polish.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.