my solve media says spare is big but it was space is big

Cough and shift my feet a lot when someone comes into the public bathroom so they know someone is in the stall and won't walk in on me.

I wet toilet paper before I use it to wipe.

When talking to someone you sometimes start with the middle of a story through the end, complete with random details that seem totally unrelated to them, and THEN you remember to tell the beginning (which is the part that actually relates to what they were talking about).

Not doing any work Feel guilty about it Then still do no work

run up the stairs when its night so that the monsters dont catch you

lie in bed, stare at the ceiling fan, focus on only one blade, and see how long your eyesight can follow it.

Questioning why they make the Captcha's(spamblocker) SO hard to read

pretend you have a fishing pole and are reeling in cars to pass them when your in the passengers seat going down the freeway.

Pour cereal. Realize there is no milk. You really want cereal so you try it with water. Realize that was a bad idea.

Seeing an acquaintance who you would feel awkward talking to in a public place, knowing they see you as well, and pretending not to see them, while hoping they pretend not to see you as well.

When your the only one home and you hear a slight creak be like I HEARD THAT to scare of any serial killers.

I trap my farts under the covers and sniff them all up or cup them in my hand and sniff real hard to get the smell.

cut corners when walking not because it's faster, but because it's more efficient

Walk around aimlessly when talking on the phone.

I try to fill the surface of the toilet water with bubbles when I pee.

do you feel that your normal, but you feel that the people around you are being nice to you because your mentally hanicapped

If I see the same model of vehicle as mine in a parking lot, I get overly excited if I manage to get a parking spot next to it. Extra points for same color or type (i.e. quad cab vs regular cab).

I get creeped out if I haven't looked at a clock in a while and when I finally do it reads 9:11

Say a word I just learned over and over again until it loses meaning.

Whenever I look in the bathroom mirror, I fear that I will see a terrible bloody monster standing behind me. I convince myself of this so completely that I panic and rush out right after I pee.

trying to look cool when you're driving past other cars.

When serving grilled steak, I always make sure I get the best one.

Take a side of bacon and jack off watching Babe.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.