When in a public bathroom stall and having to take a number 2 i wait until there is nobody else in there to let it go and also exit the stall.

After watching a movie, always walk out the theatre feeling like a total bad ass

Click an invisible pen I think is in my hand but is not constantly everyday.

Imagin what would happen if there was a zombie invasion just at your house.

Try having a conversation with your friends parents but keep saying yeah the whole time

When I have my headphones in, and I'm miming the words to a song in the bathroom pretending that I'm playing a gig. I put the tap on to make sure no one hears me dancing.

Reading the things people post on here and realising your not as weird as you thought.

We keep a spare key hidden outside somewhere in case we are locked out

lie on the couch with my head upside-down and imagine what it'd be like to walk around on the ceiling, and if you were to flip the house over so the floor's the ceiling, what you'd have to nail down to keep in place.

When you lie in bed and imagine scenarios that will never happen.

When I'm watching something interesting on TV, sometimes i realize they I'm making a weird face so i make sure that i make my face go back to its normal position. This way, my face won't get stuck like that

When I meet someone random, and have a small conversation, and then when they leave, I feel sad because I think I am never going to see them again.

act like people from movies or shows just because my life is that boring

grab my cats tongue when he is licking my hand

I hate when people say for example,if something is $3.99 they say its four dollars.

Blast yur music in the car when you are alone but when someone pulls up next to you u turn it down so u don't make them think yur an ass

Walking past a light switch, but miss when try to turn the lights on so you just keep walking instead.

put wood glue on my hand, blow it dry and peel it off to make fake skin

I **** with no hands.

When in a public toilet, I never leave the cubicle until everyone is either out of the room or in their own cubicle.

I talk through my teeth when i am talking to my pets.

When I die during an online game I try to cram as much food and drink in my mouth as I can before I respawn. If I have no food I roll all over the bed.

While playing a video game, narrate it explicitly in your head, e.i., stringing together absurd amounts of obscenities and scream them telepathically at your foes.

humiliating little girls

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.