Pee in the shower

Ask me if an outfit makes you look fat? I'll say VERY!

right after I turn the shower off I jump up and down to get rid of the extra water all over me...

Get my belt loop caught on the door handle,

I hit the frig after sex

think that the whole world is a dollhouse and we are being controlled by giant people above who live in a whole differnt world

Look in the fridge 10 times without eating anything

If I'm walking in the mall and realize I'm going in the wrong direction, I can't just double back, 'cause everyone would think I'm dumb for going in the wrong direction. Instead, I perform a slow U-turn to the other side of the walkway; either that or pretend to get an important text/phone call that forces me to do the quick turnaround. SAVE!

Random strong urge to squeeze immensely cute pet.

One time I went to my old primary school and while I was there I needed the toilet. So I go use the schools and was shocked at how small everything was I guess because I haven't been there in a while

I wonder why people were happy after the last election

I'm in the middle of a good dream but I wake up and try to go back to sleep to finish it when it never happens.

Sometimes, I ask myself philosophical questions. The one that is bugging me now is "If reincarnation is real, why is this life so vivid?"

I brush my teeth in the shower and use the shower for a waterpik.

Sing along to the radio in the car then stop at a red light when you realize other people can see you more easily.

After peeling an apple, I will put the apple in a zip-lock and hold it through the plastic so my hands won't get sticky while I eat it.

In a meeting at work, you imagine throwing coffee into your boss's face, just to see what he would do.

When you need something from someone and you forget what it's called,So then you have to awkwardly explain it.

when someones child falls and cries while you walking through town and you laugh to yourself

Consider selling lots of books, games or DVDs when you have too many to fit perfectly on their shelf.

I like to record the audio from TV shows and movies onto cassette tapes from my stereo, and listen to them on my Walkman while I'm working in the kitchen or around the house.

Constantly hearing your name in public and asking "did you just hear my name?"

When I'm cooking, I mumble everything I'm doing under my breath like I'm in a cooking show and I'm talking to the audience.

Having to poop in a certain way to avoid your ass sucking it in again. If it all comes out in one go, the cleaning becomes a lot easier and more satisfying.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.