Forgetting the same word over and over again and having a spaz attack when you can't remember it for more than a couple of seconds.

Chewing your chips softer so you can hear the tv

Mayada stupid

Moral: Damn I clicked on pointless super powers how did I get here! Moral: I wrote the "thing only I do" below :P

Laying alone in bed at night and then every single scary thought, face, image, movie, or whatever starts playing in your mind.

dont wash hands for the recommended 30 seconds

i pretend to have the ability of telekinesis and move things around my house , garden, playground...

wipe all the water off my body (predrying myself) before i get out of the shower, and dry myself with the towel

when i take a shit and smoke i dont throw the cigar in the wc so the smoke wont come to my nose

When reading some of the weirder things here, I somewhat worry some of these things people do might start happening to me just because I read about them.

Solving your problems in bed before sleeping and then forgetting all of the solutions when you wake up. This applies to games, homework, and world hunger.

Sometimes I think ''Someone somewhere in the world just got slapped'' or ''Someone just took a nasty shit''.

When I see a pregnant woman I can't help but think "she had sex"

Instead of reading the sunday comics, I read the nutrition facts on the cereal box.

when listening to pandora just skip through the songs and hit the like or hate buttons and not listen to the music,but then when you want to listen to the music you can't because theres no wifi

Start to pray at night, but get bored and stop in 2 min.

Wish you could delete a post if it gets thumbs down

wen on this website go look at the most disliked

i try to spit onto my line of piss while going to the toilet.

putting your hand in the water in the back of the toilet and thinking its gross toilet water and get grossed out

pick your nose and eat it

After eating a lot of junk food begin to fear that i'm going to get diabetes.

Cuss my ass off in the morning - jd

turn off the alarm clock one minute before its goes off when you wake up in the morning

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.