Check every spoon fork and knife in the silverware drawer for spots or old food before you choose which one to eat with

I have to put the radio volume in multiples of three and my daughter has to put it in multiples of five so when we are together it either has to be on 15 or 30.

Everytime my sibling starts a sentance with "I remember when","I have an idea"etc.,I get up and walk out.

IM 13 years old when i touch something i have a feeling and wont let me do anything until i touch it again or 4 times or sometimes even 16 times i cant live like this its weird!!!!

Lay in bed , and think what i could of said while i was talking to my crush or what could of happen.

Do a light cough when in the toilet when there isn't no lock on the door so Ur stop someone walking in!!!

Watching tv with family/friends and laughing at something on the show, and then feeling awkward because no one else laughed.

after seeing toy story, and watching that toys moved and talked to each other when the humans werent around, thinking that toys are really like that when you gone, and when you go back to you room, the toys rush back into their spots.

While listening to music, I imagine an insanely huge dance number to go along with it.

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sometimes when i'm talking to myself and someone walks in the room i have to make them believe what i'm saying is a song!!

Count the amount of birthday wishes on your facebook page, and compare it to other friends birthdays.

when im lying in bed and fart i bring the blanket up to my nose and smell it. And nod in approval..

Think of something to post but cant put it into words.

Stepping on people's feet when I approach to kiss/hug/say hi to them.

fart then blame it on the guy next to me realizing theres no one near me and everyone looks at me....awkward

When someone enters the room while i'm playing a game, start playing the best song of the game soundtrack so they notice it and think the game has a cool soundtrack.

I eat something and read book/newspaper/magazine at the same time. Then i take food crumbs off the book and eat them too.

When I'm walking at night, I put up my hood and grin evilly at passing cars so it'll scare the drivers if they see

When in class , I move alot in my chair when my butt itches .

Dance in the car just so the person you like will see you and be like "Aw, cute" but then they don't even see you so you stop...

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when you are you a self flushing urinal/toilet you think it is a tiny camera and think someone is watching you so you rush to finish using the bathroom

I sometimes want to eat spaghetti with my hands, but for whatever reason have never done it...

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.