Sometimes I look at security cameras and start to act suspiciously like I'm up to something... but really... I'm not.

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

Likes that girggle sound you make after a burp.

Not knowing whether to change it or not on a scantron test when the same letter appears more than 3 times in a row: A D C C C C .....but all the of my answers make sense!

Use an entirely different vocabulary in your head than everyday life.

I ship Bolin and Korra as a romance and a bromance. Am I weird for doing this?

Sometimes I put on my running shoes to make myself feel like I worked out but I really didn't.

Whenever I do something I want to tell someone about, I have to whisper it to myself before I tell them.

Use more toilet paper than you need, just because you feel like it cleans your ass more.

walking up steps in the dark and you think you've gotten to the top but there's actually one more step and you panic because you think your going to fall

Thinking you can do parkour even when you cant and the have a friend over and try to show off

If there's leaves on the ground and the wind picks it up and makes like swirls I put my arms out to make it seem I'm controlling the swirls.

When I'm bored in school I always imagine the teacher asks me something and my response is starting to sing a song. Somewhen some of my friends sing along with me. Then the whole class sings this song. We run out of classroom into the hallways and every other pupil comes out their classroom to see what's happening. Then They all sing along with me. We run out of school and sing and dance like in a musical. Then I actually remind myself, its impossible that every student knows the lyrics of the song I'm just thinking of and get depressed again.

Reflection and deep thoughts about the origin of life and the universe when showering

I always poke myself in the eye when I put on mascara, then have a wild hand spasm so it gets all over my face.

When you sit down to use the toilet, start, and then realize that the window is open and people can hear you.You then either search for something to mask the sound or proceed to relieve yourself by making as little noise as possible (ultimately failing)

Change my name on Siri on iPhone to something hillarius and make it say my name

Absentmindedly rub your stomach while lying down watching or reading.

I giggle in my head when anyone says duty.

Imagine punching someone you hate in the face, but when you see them in person you think "Oh s***!!!!" and hide.

Whenever I look in the bathroom mirror, I fear that I will see a terrible bloody monster standing behind me. I convince myself of this so completely that I panic and rush out right after I pee.

When a teacher at school leaves a line of pen on the big whiteboard, my attention can NOT be drawn from it.

Reading your facebook posts that you wrote a year ago or more, and think of how stupid you were at that time.


Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.