Pretend to cough in class so other people could pretend to cough

Get annoyed when I'm working on something and someone who's looking at funny pictures wants to show me every single one. Then I do the same thing when I'm looking at funny pictures.

Repeatably look at something ugly, even if it's ugly

Sometimes when it's very windy, i Loudly yell "Stop". The Wind most often seem to lower it's intensity or completely blow off.

Spend way too much time on this website cause it makes you feel normal

You are thinking of really awkward moments that happened earlier in the day so then you subconsciously say a bunch of random things quickly out loud to get the thought of the awkward moment out of your head.

Something that bothers me is when a movie sequel comes out and for whatever reason the same things from the first movie happens so they just end up making the same movie

Dramatically narrate everything I do in my head as I do it.

When I hear the doorbell ringing and I'm not expecting anyone, I turn off the tv/music and try not to make any sound, so they think there's no one home.

make mini paper airoplanes in boring lessons and pretend you are flying them

Wonder if someone is ever doing the exact same thing you are at the moment.

Whenever I get in the shower, no matter what, I always have to pee.

Make a day of reading posts from Craiglist's Best-Of.

When a male dies and screams in pain in a movie, I feel normal about it. When a female does, I feel bad and want to help.

Only read the shortest sentences on "Things You Think Only You Do". More than 2 sentences I skip.

Sometimes I think that I'm a character in The Sims 3 and someone is controlling everything I do.

I use encryption even for everyday, routine communications because f*ck the NSA.

Sitting next to a banana called James

Make pictures on the bathtub wall using the clump of hair from the shower drain.

The longer it takes me to find the light switch in the dark the more frantic and terrified I become.

skipping back to the start of the guitar solo over and over so I can pretend I'm playing it

I think of doing something productive, but can't work up the motivation and end up on the internet instead.

try to rip the top off an Oreo without messing up the cream and then if the cream comes out on both parts not wanting to eat the Oreo because its wrong.

you turn the dial on your microwave until it reaches as far as it can go

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.